Crystal Indigo Children
"Express your unique color-robe - shine your light around the globe ***" says, Cup of God who glows.

Hello family of God, We are all learning to become the Perfection within each of us. We know the world is changing and our souls want to fly. But how? And what is our mission? Your "Garment of Lights" gives you all these answers, known as your "Sacred Four Directions" or the "Buffalo Robe". Join us and learn from the Elders who will follow you home... and teach you about yourself. Aho, which means, "May Your Spirit Fly!"

Blessed Bee (Cup of God said): Shavah to the Great Sun within - may creation of heaven on earth begin - let's bow and bless - purify the mess - so we can officially confess - we are children of the Rainbow clan - living according to the divine plan - sending my love to you - asking you to share your point of view - AHO - may your spirit fly - Cup of GoD , Magenta halls of consciousness, Rainbow Warrior

Indigo Crystal Children - Community - Google+

Circles on Google+, Facebook and Google groups

Hoop 6!forum/indigocrystalchildren

Terms Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow Clan

Indigo is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body, multi-colored each of us have. We can all fly, when we dream. The Indigo child is often a prophet and great teacher who lives with visions and conflict. Most of us do not live our lives like this. Indigo represents our Soul body. An Indigo child is a Great Warrior and brings to us the inner reflection towards truth! They inspire you to enter your Vision Quest. Indigo (perfect soul body)

Crystal is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the Physical Body,a powerful and loving being who gifts,the actions of your dream. The Crystal person is reader of the book of life, the sacred four directions, who speaks directly with God and interprets the absolute truth. Crystal represents our Physical body. Most of us do no live our lives like this. Crystal represents our Physical body. A Crystal child is a Great Warrior and brings peace through the lesson. They inspire you to become your dream of love and peace, what we often call happiness! Crystal (perfect physical body)

The Rainbow Clan are the Sacred Multi-Colored Auras of the Blue in You and Me, our Relation or family. Each of us carry Four Sacred Directions. The Circle of Colors, the Rainbow reflects off the Ocean Blue. Born from these lights We are Perfect Children Within. Each of us carry a Dream seeking Love. The Path we follow are the Four Sacred Directions Written in our Garment of Lights called the "Buffalo Robe". We belong to the Rainbow Clan. These unseen colors guide us towards our mission. This is written in your Sacred Garment of Lights, the Holy Temple, where Truth is written in the Book of Life! Only a Crystal child can read this Book of Life clearly.

Embracing and attaining spiritual knowledge (seeking) and allowing the directional flowing (ebb and flow) of the eternal ages Reveals Greatness. A Light From Within. We are the Reflection of our Blue oceans and sky.Water provide us with all that life offers in Unity! Spiritual Warriors are born to be Perfect Blessings

Email to ask for your rainbow colors, the four sacred directions of your rainbow (buffalo robe), the body of lights often referred to as auras, however, only a crystal person, can read these colors correctly as colors cross over each other and it gets very confusing. White Buffalo Calf Woman is an Elder Crystal child, who is happy to read your four sacred directions as part of the great give-a-way, the blessings from G_ah_d (utterance of heavenly transmission) or the Divine of "I am" and "I am part of the Greater Universe of the Whole Oneness". Blessings upon your deeds today!

Blessed Bee (Cup of God said): Yes, that's true - and you White Buffalo Calf Woman knew - that out of the blue - pure joy I wheel feel - now that the Rainbow Trail revealed is and real. While bowing I bless - purifying the mess - nine streams and four beams - we all share the same dreams. Love is the theme and regime - Rainbow tribe team wear thy Buffalo Robe with self-esteem. ~~~ Cup of GoD (Magenta halls of consciousness) - again I bow and bless!

Understanding the Rainbow Fields

16 Colors that Walk and Talk on Mother Earth, the Rainbow Clan (links will be added to colors, check back periodically)
Each child wears four directions in rainbow colors called the buffalo robe, the prayer cloth of many colors.

Warning: Relatives, This image and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE),, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

1. color red
Sixth Sun-Red child; Frequency 1, red robe
2. color orange
Fifth Daughter-Orange child; Frequency 2,
3. color yellow (bright yellow, like 24k gold, element)
Fifth Sun-Yellow child; Frequency 3,
4. color green
Fourth Daughter-Green child; Frequency 4,
5. color blue
Fourth Sun-Blue child; Frequency 5,
6. color indigo
Third Daughter-Indigo child; Frequency 6,
7. color violet (purple)
Third Sun-Violet child (color purple); Frequency 7,
8. color lavender (middle earth color, the gate in/out of paradise), red robe
Second Daughter-Lavender child; Frequency 8,
9. color magenta (middle earth color, pinks)
Second Sun-Magenta child (color pinks); Frequency 9, red robe
10. color aqua (middle earth color, sky blue)
Eldest Daughter-Aqua child (color sky blues); Frequency 10 (true color red-flows and completes the circle),
11. color crystal (mirror to soul, diamond, pearl, pure light)
Eldest Cosmic/heavenly Sun-Crystal child (color pearl, diamond, clear, pure light); Frequency 11 (true color red-red),
12.a. color silver (light gray, mirror to sole, reflection of light particles, element)
Cosmic/heavenly Woman (yearning devotion) - Silver child (color cut gems, shards of light and it's electromagnetic state); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
12.b. color rainbow (revolving rainbow colors, dark red), red robe
Cosmic/heavenly Mother(earnest devotion) - Rainbow child
(color, revolving colors and reverberation); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
13. color golden (dark yellow, like 14k gold, combined elements)
Cosmic/heavenly Father-Golden child; Frequency 13 (true color red-yellow),
14. color gray (dark gray)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandmother-Gray child; Frequency 14 (true color red-green),
15. color white (star)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandfather-White child (color bright star); Frequency 15 (true color red-blue).

Warning: Relatives, This image and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE),, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Search Our Blogs

Relatives, Search Rainbow Colors on these blogs Crystal-Indigo-Children and Sacred Song Blessings, as well as blogs linked to our pages through the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Take the time to read these articles posted below to understand the Rainbow Fields. Thank you. Ask White Buffalo Calf Woman for your four rainbow colors (buffalo robe)

Greetings beloved Relatives, I bow to You Tdm Wbcw bless your heart and all who are a part of this magnificent creation of elation through the tears and the fears we can all find the cheers when we let love in the sadness it clears ~ sparkling crystals appear in our heart to share for all those who care lend an ear you are dear / deer Blessings to all relations across the nation I Love You, Grandmother Walks on Stones (
Nicole Swan Ministryoftheheart)

Recommended Reading to understand Children of Light: 12112013 The Holy Spirit Inside You, the Ghost Dancer in the Buffalo Fields: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)

Recommended Reading to understand Spacial fields or Relativity, all our relatives: 11122013 SUN's LIGHT and MOTHER RAINBOW, the Field (11/12 the Field/s): Swimming Ice Blowing in the Wind
11132013 Field of Paradise: Swimming Ice Blowing in the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)
1114013 White Buffalo in the Wind: Swimming Ice Blowing in the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)
11152013 If I Can Follow Through To You: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)
12172013 Revelation Fields: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Crystal Indigo, Which Color Are You?

Crystal Indigo, which color are you? Ask to behold all that you gifts to the heart that is true, the heart of God, which lies in you! Your four sacred directions will come to be, the opening of God which longs to believe, that the Soul of Heaven has come to Rescue thee, just open your heart, ask and receive! Email, today and she will gift you, your many displays of Colors that you do wear and the Heart Song that sings the perfect pair of harmony which you know, the love that lives inside of you, just awaiting for your returning, until the Rainbow Clan appears! Crystal, Indigo, Blue or Green, how will you know until you sea!

blactacularIf you settle for what they're giving you, you deserve what you get.
blactacular wrote today at 11:58 AM
Responding to this Blog by
Beloved Relatives,
To exalt the Gift is to give praise to the Highest.
"Thou shalt be the image of my likeness", we are and will always be the image of God, we therefore need to exalt ourselves to the highest. We have so little inside of us that offers us a Dream, the fire's light that begin inside, comes when you realize your Greatness! And is this person asking for "Blessings and Gifts", well we will sea, the heart will receive me, the one God sent to yee.

And Beloved Blactacular, I apologize for not leaving thee, my email address here at this Blog, but if you write to me at, I will gift the Colors of your Garment of lights. (oh, it is here, maybe you missed it too)

your devoted servant,
whitebuffalocalfwoman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter

ps. I hope to hear from you soon, to learn all the Gift God gave to you!

Thank you so much. I am in search of some answers. This is new to me. I recently had a question posed to me by my Sun (son). He recently started seeing 11:11 everywhere. He and I have always been sensitive to certain things but this just couldn't be ignored. I will be writing you soon. Again Thank you.

blactacularIf you settle for what they're giving you, you deserve what you get.
wrote:On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 12:03 PM
I am not sure how we are to begin this process. So please let me know what information you need to verify our colors and I will happily provide them.
Again thank you.
a.k.a.: Blactacular (Joseph's friend from Multiply)

twindeermotherWhite buffalo calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother wrote to Blactacular
Beloved ~ Shawnee~,
If you don't understand me when I break into Song, which it seems that's how I am moving along. Please ask questions so you can understand.

I don't need anything but the asking of you, so you may know Receiving the Greatest God knows. You are the makings of everything good if you could only believe that it is true.

Your colors of the Rainbow Garments of light that you shed, is worn on your flesh, the body you hold. And you are the Blue, the sea of everyone, it is you, who is the heart of everyone. Please read this to help you along. The Elder Blue inspired the Truth (eternal bells), our Lisping Wise One.

We share the flowing that go to and fro (two directions), it's called the Blue of you and me. You are the oceans of everyone out there. You need to start blessing to keep it down to a roar. The leaves (relatives on the tree of life often called the blue) are here to bring us new, the blessed Rainbow, it's all true (Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy).

Your second color is green, blue and red, the mightiest of colors that land in your head. Your color is Magenta yes this is true, of course you have vision, the knowing of you. The Magenta is the color who offers the Greatest Care to you and me, when the Red light, goes bright with delight, you have the tongue of gifted to speak the right words. But as you see all this colors, when they pass over your bridge, there are so many colors that you get lost in your head. Just realize that they are going over to the other side, you are just the purveyor (to furnish or supply), who gives them a ride. When this happens you open up to God, but when they pass over, the Door seems shut. This is the magenta the second color overlay, and it is the Greatest Caretaker God sends. When you carry the blue and red (magenta), you carry the four directions and all that is known is shed, the Golden Way.

The third of your colors is open and wide, it's the sunshine that opens inside. The color of wisdom that allows you to ask, the cosmic father (golden) who is here to give a blast, of brotherly wisdom from heaven that you seek, the one who has no fear, but must openly speak. When you call the brothers and sisters to come they run to offer you more of relatives to meet.

The last of the colors we all share inside, this is the way, that we can survive. This allows us to be the perfect royalty, when we listen to Grandmother (grey) who walks around us outside this day. These people are part of everyone, because they are the open and darkness of the sun. The tender of fires that lie inside the dark, is where we all go to open up and dream. The Grandmother is the space where we all collide, and Blue is the Color where the heart is felt.

Now you have blue and red (magenta) to offer you the way, the very to and fro, the beautiful display. When you get it back to the inside of you, don't forget to bless each hour in order for you to succeed. There is no other way to open the door within, the four sacred directions and the two that go, to and fro. These are the six directions of the Crystalline we all share. Let us begin the dance of love and gift it all to see, everywhere, because Brotherhood is here!

I hope to see you here with us to offer to all the leaves (relatives), the knowing of a Soul Elder, the Blue of you and me. You are the heart of the people everywhere, and this means you must feel all that is within. Please don't think it is you, but Bless instead, this will offer you peace when all is just unrest.

Blue, Magenta, Golden, and Grey, these are your four sacred colors today. These will change when you learn your way, but not until you leave your flesh to understand a new way. These in this lifetime will gift you the way, of treasures for all and treasures that fall, but wisdom will come home just to know all (seeker or one on a vision quest, who can receive blessings).

Reading your colors are true (feeling) to you and me, but there is so much more if you are willing to receive. The heavenly name, earthly tools and sacred directions too, the evolution's story-the four rolling hills, interpretation of the book of life and songs of the heart speak of the mathematical perfection of all who reside inside of heaven and earth (the blue, the relatives) who shall provide, the meaning of all will belong to the Suns of Israel to distribute to make clear and be true, to all the relatives who long to know the truth, of God's Grace and so much more as you listen and hear the many stories of all our Relatives, for they know all that should be here! We are perfect in the child, who longs to be wild! Freedom Man, Freedom! And Woman will make the STAND. Let me know what you need and I can offer thee, especially the child you hold, the child who can touch the sky. When children see visions we need to pay attention, for they are just coming from Heaven and know more things, and we need offer them room to grow to view with a heart, thank you for coming and receiving my heart.

Maybe you could help Joseph to come and receive too. He has much to offer if he could be used (servant to the people), by the many who need him, by the many who care, when we work together, we become servants to all. And I hope to see you sharing all that you know, because I need the Blue to hold my hand and show, that many are here to bleed (suffer the law of love) to show them the way, but if the Blue doesn't stand up then all will be lost. I depend on you my Brother to last until the day, when the Red Sky comes upon us and we must all go to hide. The migration is upon us and we must find our way, through the valley of darkness that soon will be on our heads. I wish upon a star that Brothers everywhere will walk with me and hold my hand and teach all that is clear.

Lastly, I left this for you...
twindeermother wrote today at 12:08 PM, edited today at 12:08 PM
11:11, is the Crystalline Twin, your Twin (heart of other) Deer (spirit journey) Mother (offering you law of love, to unite broken hearts). This is the returning of the Crystal people everywhere (white and red calves being born), when the Door of Heaven (Crystal people) shall be awaiting all to come and knock to see the truth of God's Heaven sent. We start in heaven and return to heaven this is the way of God.

Inside of us is perfectly the soul and the flesh, which many are calling thee, the Indigo and Crystal for these are perfect warriors who come to seek truth and lay it on the land. The indigo is representing of the Soul of perfection in yee, and the crystal is the representing of the Flesh of perfection in yee, and when you combine the perfect soul with the perfect flesh, you have an elder, who does what he or she says. This seems simple but so many cannot be this perfect harmony. Here is the love that God gave to thee, and when we open our hearts to see, we are able to Receive and be Free.

your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter

ps. if you want to understand more, please visit We
are not all Crystal people of Indigo people but we are all the representing of the Perfect Soul and Perfect Flesh, now it's time to come home at last.

I will be adding this to so others may realize all what is gifted here. I hope that you will be proud to show the world, of your beauty that lies inside, the Greatest part of Heaven, the Greatest part of thee, and I know that God will dance when all come home because of yee. You are the Great Star God sent home to me!

Holiness David asks for me today to explain how to get to us and how to make your way to understanding the wisdom of all this stuff (spiritual evolution of the eternal soul) that is coming your way, but if we pull together, then we can make the way (yellow, the dream). To put the pieces together, you need start reading all my stuff, the Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother this Day. The Blogs who tell all the guff of stories untold without a heart, now I must come and make it perfect a start. We need view heaven as we hold ourselves deer (journey), the greatest of evolution is here to stay. I would start at this Blog from there you can link all the way along. The Outer hoop (prefer yahoo) (receiving songs of all the world who come along of perfection in their songs) and layers of hoops that will lead you towards the beginning, our Hearts Elders who Lead the Way.

Start at the Circle that you feel links your heart, and you will be in the very perfect start. The Third hoop is for warriors (wbcw)
(or third hoop starofdavid) who come to lay the land, the Second is training to be the Perfect Stand (Warriors of Prophecy Training) and the Inner Hoop will hold you in active-indigos, who offer the world of truth and offer it afar. The world is our relatives and we must open our hearts, here at this start, we join in perfect hearts. The Hoop of Reflection (prefer yahoo)(center of the blue, the heart that goes to and fro to flow like water knows) will teach the blue, of relatives who long to be with me and you. Videos and technology will bring us this far, and when the story breaks this year many will fall. And we will expose those who don't know their way, but we will save them even if they walk away!

From the heart of Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star who says, "We are going to forgive them anyway, which is the right thing to do."

Hoops (Inner Hoop 2004)
Four Years Between, Holiness David Running Eagle and White Buffalo Calf Woman (ordained Heavenly and Earthly, both of us) on the Streets Ministering in our Itasca 32' ft Motorhome and Dark Green Jaguar, which all was gifted from the Heavenly Realms. We did not start here, but in a back of a 69 Chevy C20 3/4 Ton, my beloved Chevy never fails, the Earth God gave us to lie down inside of when we finally put up the walls, the 1969 Californian camper and it was installed by our very hands which took six months to kill (Time used to know who would help the flow, not even Christmas Day, our Relatives speak a show, but don't put up and show what is said from their mouths each day), for the Souls of the World as fellow travelers and relatives. Presently 2009 and we will be travelers for another four years as we lead and follow the migration homeward for all the relatives who come home to fulfill the Prophecy of Rainbow Warriors! Welcome home Rainbow Clan, to the third phase of evolution, Heaven and Earth, walking with our hearts in the dark, where heaven lives inside our heart and here we collide to know that God is alive, the Heaven that knows all that is Gold. Brotherhood is here to bring us near, to precious cargo we carry each day! (home for reflection, the blue of me and you! 2008)

Global Saturday Prayers:
RSS feed:

outer hoop: (blue road 2008)
outer hoop: ( red road july2009)
third hoop: (2009)
Writing, Networking Agenda, Media (june 2009)
third hoop:
Writing, Networking Agenda, Media (july 2009)
second hoop: (2004)
Warrior Blog: (2008)
Those who know their sacred four directions and heavenly name!
inner hoop: (2004)
Elders blog: (2003)
Golden Warriors who know their souls mission, walking and talking sacred, working as relatives.

Telephone Conference Access each Week for those with Questions, especially if you are not getting an email back in time for your vision quest.
We welcome you to our telephone gathering:
White Buffalo Calf Woman and Elders
Friday and Sunday 4pm PST
Your dial-in number: 1-641-715-3715
Your unique PIN: #062013

Fire Offers Purification

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Age Children - Indigo, Crystal And Blue Star Children

Note: Relatives, this article has lots lacking in knowledge (unknowingly), but strives to show us about the Children of the New Age. I have made comments to help guide people the right directions for the Rainbow Clan. Comments by White Buffalo Calf Woman or Twin Deer Mother. That would be me. Okay if you have questions, please forwards your email to This article was brought to you by our Brother Joseph Almighty (josephalmighty). Thank you. White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
New Age Children - Indigo, Crystal And Blue Star Children    Aug 1, '09 8:49 PM
for everyone
Indigo Child is a term that is has recently been used by the media, without the proper understanding of indigo children and their implications. For those of you who are totally unfamiliar with indigo children or need a quick review of indigo children, Wikipedia has done an amazing job explaining the indigo child basics.

Indigo Children By Ines Mi

An Indigo child is a trailblazer. They are here to set the path for the new world, and they have a mission to break down old barriers and patterns in the world. Indigos are children that are here on earth with a spiritual purpose, and it is not always easy on them or their families.

Indigo's have been coming into the world for some time, but only recently have we had an influx of this very rare energy. Indigo scouts started arriving in the 1950’s and it was very difficult for these children to find a footing in a world unaccustomed to such a child. A huge wave of Indigos came through in the 70’s, 80's and 90's.

These children have an insatiable appetite for learning, but not so much in the academic world, as in the world in general. They want to know what makes things tick, including individuals. Many of these children do not have issues with self worth, as they know who they are. They do have difficulty with authority when there is no explanation or choice when told to listen to their elders. They know that the world is not where it should be and if people have been here for years, they seldom turn to them for advice. They would rather find out for themselves what works and what does not.

Indigo children and adults alike become frustrated with anything relating to ritualistic systems such as politics and religion. They find these subjects interesting but they do not adhere to old patterns and would rather find new solutions to old problems. They do not believe in status quo. They are nonconformists with a flair toward creativity that startles, and rocks the boat of the old systems now in place. Schools have not allowed children to think outside the box and Indigo children do nothing but look outside the obvious. These children are very unique in so many aspects. When many of us are looking to fit in with one group or another, you will find the Indigo children isolating themselves unless they find a kindred spirit. They speak from their heart and seldom are shy when letting you know their needs. One of the most problematic and irritating characteristics to many parents and teachers is that the Indigo child will not respond to guilt as a disciplinary tool. No one can make them feel anything, much less use guilt to win a battle to make this child conform.

Crystal Child
Crystal Child? What is a crystal child? Do I have a crystal child? Am I a crystal child? What are the implications and importance of crystal children? How do I properly feed and care for a crystal child? All of these questions (and the many other questions that may be running through your head) will be answered through this page! For a quick review of the basics of crystal children read the following article:

Crystal Children By Ines Mi

The Crystal Children...

Towards the end of 1990 we began seeing a different energy emerging. This Crystalline energy, also known as Crystal children, use their telepathic abilities from the moment they appear on this planet. Because of this natural telepathic ability they have delayed speech patterns. Some Crystal children have delayed their speech until the age of 3 or 4.

If parents identify with their own telepathic abilities, and use this method of communication, their Crystal child will feel comfortable adapting to the world around them and speak.

Because of this delay many physicians have diagnosed these children with autism. In these situations we must ask if the child is communicating through a form of sign language and song. Sound is very important to Crystal children and they love to sing. There is no coincidence that as this multitude of Crystal children are born, that the number of diagnoses for autism will rise to record levels.

In the new world that the Indigos are ushering in, we will all be more aware of our intuitive thoughts and feelings. We will no longer rely upon the spoken or written word. Communication will be clear, direct, honest, and mind-to-mind. Already increasing numbers of us are getting in touch with our psychic abilities. Our interest in the paranormal is at an all-time high, accompanied by books, television, and movies on the topic.

So, it is not surprising that the generations following the trailblazers, known as Indigos, are incredibly telepathic.

These children are among the most connected, communicative, and caring. Crystal children are the way of the new world, and they bring to us a level of kindness and sensitivity we have never experienced. Both the Indigo and Crystal children/adults are here to assist the world as we evolve to a higher vibration where love and empathy become the norm rather than the exception.

The Blue Star Children by Elizabeth Ballico (Raihn)

Before I commence:

The information I have written below is based on messages I have received from Archangel Michael over the last year. He seeks to enlighten by making us aware of the changes happening in our world at this moment in time. He seeks to create a greater understanding of the Children being born into our world at this time. I have been told that children born in the years 2011 and 2012 are different again- they will be similar to the Crystal Children in many ways and will resonate to the rainbow spectrum as contained in the colour white. In addition to Michael's wisdom, I have been and am currently conducting my own research into the 'blue stars' and as a part of this would dearly love constructive feedback - particularly if this resonates to you and your child or grandchild.

PLEASE let me know of other aspects I may have missed! I am open to questions and will answer where I can. As with ALL spiritual guidance - keep an open mind, take what you need and leave what you don't. I only wish to share. In love & blue light, Elizabeth Ballico ( Raihn) 6th August 2006


I believe that although the main influx of Indigo children came in around 20-25 years ago, there were those who came before them to lay the path - the early Indigos. These souls found life difficult, were often placed in difficult family situations, were often seen as odd or different because basically, they were. Many of them still struggle with life circumstances today - many more of them didnt make it through to today- the suicide rate for early Indigos is high.


The crystal children are still finding their way- many diagonsed as autistic- they are in reality, super dooper sensitive to our world, energies, senses, foods, toxins etc..... they are incredibly psychic & aware of , what to us, is the unseen world.

The Blue Star Children

There are many differing theories on the kids being born now. This is mine and is based on the messages I have received from Lord Michael. The children born between the years of 2000 and 2010 are what Michael refers to as the "blue star children." These children are a mixture of old souls and of brand new souls, bought forward to inhabit the earth at this time.

Although the new souls would normally start with a 'clean slate' ( for want of a better term), these children differ in that they are born with a level of knowing quite accelerated and unseen before in this earth history. They are born at a level that in past times would have taken many incarnations to achieve- basically, all kids born between 2000-10, are born spiritually, psychically and intuitivly advanced. The children born at this time, who have infact, 'been here before' are born retaining past life knowledge and wisdom of lessons learnt. They retain this knowledge up until the age of 6 years when the 'amnesia' effect (that is usually applied at birth ) starts to kick in.

Ok.....with me so far......... ......?

In a nutshell ( as opposed to a NUTHOUSE, where Marc thinks I should be)- what we have coming through now are an extremely psychic and advanced line of children. This applies to all children born in the period of 2000-10 regardless of new soul or returning soul- if you have a child born within this period, they will definetley be one of the blue star children.

When I questioned the 'blue star' aspect, I was told that all souls entering the earth realm between 2000-10 were ' marked' while still on high ( in the soul state) with a blue 5 pointed star( pentacle) in the place of their brow/ 3rd eye chakra. This is symbolic of their connection with the Divine and also their connection with the earth and her elements. The blue is in fact, the colour of Lord Michael and his healing rays and because at this time in the earths evolution, Lord Michael is seen as the leader of the archangel heirachy- these children are working for Him, with Him and through Him and his place on the 1st ray.

Not surprisingly, the 'blue star' children resonate to blue. Ideally, they would love to be surrounded by shades of blue and will be pulled towards the colour at all times, it calms them, heals them and connects them. Blue crystals - angelite, blue lace agate etc are ideal placed in the sleeping areas of these children. They will be articulate children in words and precise in deeds. Being as they are,children of Lord Michael's realm, his association with the throat chakra and communication - (again , blue) will be very obvious. Illnesses relating to chest and throat will be seen in blue star children when they are feeling 'overwhelmed' with life.

These kids are able to pick up a rock and hear its soul- touch a tree and feel its pain- stand at the ocean and understand the message of the tides. Their closeness with animals and plants comes from the knowledge they carry within them, the truth, that there is NO difference between human/animal/ plant/mineral realms and that in truth, all are one. These are highly enlightened kids and with their special gifts and personality traits comes special needs and responsibilities for their parents and caregivers.

It is by no chance or co incidence ( is anything ?) that these children have been born at this time to these parents. In truth, the parents of the 'blue star' children were especially selected to be born when they were so as to be the parents of these special kids. I would imagine this has also been the case for the indigo's and crystals before them. Again, it is also by no chance that wonderful early learning schools such as Motasorri and Steiner have become so very popular in the last 5-10 year periods- these schools and the environment they provide for children are based in the foundations of allowing children to 'evolve' rather than to be 'educated.' The work of these establishments and of the people who founded and guide them is overseen by guidance from on high. Basically, if you are the parent of a blue star, you will know what I am talking about here. You have been selected as being a parent who can guide and love but who can also allow true growth and _expression. It is expected that you are more open to things of a spiritual nature than say, your own parents were.

You can expect your children to be bright, sensitive, articualte, precise yet very, very deep and profound. They are open to things at different levels to what we are, so dont be surprised at the amount of imaginary friends and deceased relatives that will show up for dinner.

Your children, like all kids will challenge you and your ideas, thoughts and beliefs. Believe in them- open your mind to them and their words. They possess 'wisdom' that is obvious from the first moment of life and by the time they reach puberty, in many cases will be equal to you in intellegence and understanding of the world. Most probably, they will surpass you on spiritual and psychic levels. They are natural earth healers, being able to lay hands on anything at all and impart healing energies. They are drawn to people or animals in pain and will 'touch' to take away pain. Basically, they are born to heal on all levels.

The other side of all this I guess is the fact that these kids are sensitive to harshness on all levels - bright lights, preservatives, loud noise, cruelty, anger, extremes of climate and temperature amongst other things. Food/feeding can cause headaches for all concerned. Allow them to eat when hungry where possible. Their reaction to harshness is to withdraw- to pull their powers inwards to the centre. Illness is also a reaction to unease in their environment. Throat and chest illness seems to dominate.

One main thing I have noticed is that the 'new souls' of the 'blue stars' are ACTIVE little creatures !! It is very obvious that the earth environment and physical incarnation is new to them and this makes it a very exciting place to be. Expect a child who wants to touch, climb, sample, hear, feel, taste everything he/she can get their hands on- a real little dare devil seeking to experience all life has to offer. Get the bandaids ready! Remember your first time in a new exciting situation? This is life for the new souls in the blue star kids.

The reincarnated 'blue stars' are more reserved and having experienced physical reality before, will be less likely to be found swinging from the light fittings in the lounge room. ( been there, done that!) I am of course, open to questions on this subject- PLEASE keep in mind that I am only a Messenger relaying to you what information I am given from my Divine Guides. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest. I leave you with love & blue light, Elizabeth Ballico ( Raihn) 06/08/2006

Indigo Children abilites are a fascinating subject. All of the indigo, crystal, rainbow, and other new age children will have seemingly "supernatural" abilites. This is because they are more in touch with themselves. They understand their inherent power and how to use it. This is the cause of the indigo children abilites. But, everyone, regardless of whether you are a new age child or not, has access to their own indigo children abilites. To develop your own "supernatural" abilites you must simply have the desire and belief. Till then, you can enjoy and learn from these exciting stories highlighting some of the evidence of these indigo children abilites...
18 Comments Chronological   Reverse   Threaded
carlox11 wrote on Aug 1, '09
soulsweeper wrote on Aug 1, '09
I have been working to remove some of these children from the ungodly path they ar put on...for quite some time..
These chidren are being born with Gifts from God..all of us are born with gifts...Parents who are not saved are going to the ungodly for answers..I was one of these children although the labeling is different and being 'different' 'odd' 'strange'.
The catholic church speak of these things..only the miracles Jesus did.
So guess what happens without the proper guidence!!!!...
You either serve the god of this world or the God, our Father and Creator..both has power to flow through a person. How happy is the devil when He gets to use Gods gifts which are given without repentance...Will God say to them I never knew you?!
If they are not saved and in fellowship with Him..He most certainly will.
When the parents come to know Jesus or a child..certain deliverances need to occur and The Holy Spirit becomes the filter of the gift and it is used for Gods Glory..and no one else...
twindeermother wrote on Aug 2, '09
My Beloved Brother and Friend,
Thank you for posting this information to the public but I have to tell you that this is all wrong. The speaking of evolution and the Rainbow Clan, in which the world is talking about, can hear truth only at

Thank you for the urls, I will make an attempt to review and improve where there are wiki's, but many are making money on us, Crystals and Indigos and we are going to put a stop to it. The Rainbow Warriors of prophecy is coming home, where truth rings, not perceptions of the truth because we are in the Second phase of evolution and entering the third phase, when Heaven and Earth come home together and collide in the Blue People.

Crystal and Indigo people have been here since the Dawning of Time, it's that evolution is bringing Heaven back to Earth. You want to know your true colors, which you have four sacred directions, then email to receive the truth, for only Crystal people can read truth in you, not those who think they are Crystal people, but the Ones who carry the Garment of Lights, which only another Crystal person can offer this truth, but for now, it is I, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, who can tell you, your true Colors of your Garment of lights.

Get your colors verified for free, no fee. If it's not free, then it's not from the Prophecy of Rainbow Warriors. Join the Great Give-A-way, in order that you may be FREE to RECEIVE all the Gifts God has for thee. See you soon, and don't forget to look at the Blog:
your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person, who brings law to the land, the law of love.
wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
josephalmighty wrote on Aug 2, '09, edited on Aug 2, '09
ok friends, i see this is a controversial subject.... i had no idea it would get these kind of comments... one thing i notice, no one is denying the subject is real... peace & love, Joseph
soulsweeper wrote on Aug 2, '09
It is a truth that is most certainly real..joseph..The gifts of God should not be used for monetary gain..Like the twin deer mother said above. That is a clue...
We call most outside of human normality metaphysical that deals with things not underdstood by mainstream society...because the sciences cannot explain the spiritual, they are in the dark..and yet this labels are to make things appear right.
Who can explain the fact that Elijah disappeared in a chariot of fire....up to the heavens...I just say God the creator of his being took him...yet some say spaceship came and got him.. or Elisha was mistaken .
The parting of the red sea...I know that was a power coming from God allowing this to happen..yet some say the red sea was only a few inches in
One miracle that i look at and giggle about is the wandering of the hebrews in the wilderness...i giggle for their sandals on their feet did not wear out and we today cannot make a shoe or sneaker that lasts...or a pair of
I see where you are coming from...but as was said these children have been here forever..they are just being noticed now...and coming together not in power but to understand and to meet others as themselves...
The controversy to me is if children walk with these gifts it behooves them to have a more objective view of where the gift came from, how to tap into the gift giver and not to exalt the gift...smiles and hugs to you...(((hugs)))
blactacular wrote on Aug 2, '09
Get your colors verified for free, no fee. If it's not free, then it's not from the Prophecy of Rainbow Warriors. Join the Great Give-A-way, in order that you may be FREE to RECEIVE all the Gifts God has for thee. See you soon, and don't forget to look at the Blog:
your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person, who brings law to the land, the law of love.
wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter

I went to this site where do you go to find out about your colors?
twindeermother wrote on Aug 2, '09, edited on Aug 2, '09
Beloved Relatives,
To exalt the Gift is to give praise to the Highest.
"Thou shalt be the image of my likeness", we are and will always be the image of God, we therefore need to exalt ourselves to the highest. We have so little inside of us that offers us a Dream, the fire's light that begin inside, comes when you realize your Greatness! And is this person asking for "Blessings and Gifts", well we will sea, the heart will receive me, the one God sent to yee.

And Beloved Blactacular, I apologize for not leaving thee, my email address here at this Blog, but if you write to me at, I will gift the Colors of your Garment of lights. (oh, it is here, maybe you missed it too)

your devoted servant,
whitebuffalocalfwoman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
ps. I hope to hear from you soon, to learn all the Gifts God gave to you!
blactacular wrote on Aug 2, '09
Beloved Relatives,
To exalt the Gift is to give praise to the Highest.
"Thou shalt be the image of my likeness", we are and will always be the image of God, we therefore need to exalt ourselves to the highest. We have so little inside of us that offers us a Dream, the fire's light that begin inside, comes when you realize your Greatness! And is this person asking for "Blessings and Gifts", well we will sea, the heart will receive me, the one God sent to yee.

And Beloved Blactacular, I apologize for not leaving thee, my email address here at this Blog, but if you write to me at, I will gift the Colors of your Garment of lights. (oh, it is here, maybe you missed it too)

your devoted servant,
whitebuffalocalfwoman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
ps. I hope to hear from you soon, to learn all the Gift God gave to you!
Thank you so much. I am in search of some answers. This is new to me. I recently had a question posed to me by my Sun (son). He recently started seeing 11:11 everywhere. He and I have always been sensitive to certain things but this just couldn't be ignored. I will be writing you soon. Again Thank you.
twindeermother wrote on Aug 2, '09, edited on Aug 2, '09
11:11, is the Crystalline Twin, your Twin (heart of other) Deer (spirit journey) Mother (offering you law of love, to unite broken hearts). This is the returning of the Crystal people everywhere (white and red calves being born), when the Door of Heaven (Crystal people) shall be awaiting all to come and knock to see the truth of God's Heaven sent. We start in heaven and return to heaven this is the way of God.

Inside of us is perfectly the soul and the flesh, which many are calling thee, the Indigo and Crystal for these are perfect warriors who come to seek truth and lay it on the land. The indigo is representing of the Soul of perfection in yee, and the crystal is the representing of the Flesh of perfection in yee, and when you combine the perfect soul with the perfect flesh, you have an elder, who does what he or she says. This seems simple but so many cannot be this perfect harmony. Here is the love that God gave to thee, and when we open our hearts to see, we are able to Receive and be Free.

your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
ps. if you want to understand more, please visit We are not all Crystal people of Indigo people but we are all the representing of the Perfect Soul and Perfect Flesh, now it's time to come home at last.
twindeermother wrote on Aug 2, '09, edited on Aug 2, '09
My Beloved Soulsweeper, holding the lamb of god,
Please forgive me if I did not agree, but I believe that we are the PERFECTION that lives inside of thee. You will know the Greatest when you ASK for these gifts which lie inside of thee. Please visit Please read this in order that you may understand the four directions in thee! to see, what we have read for Blactacular Shawnee!

My sister there is much to see, the heart of you and me. And I see how great you are inside of thee. It is now the collision of heaven and earth, where the ignorance of the people need all that give a hand to correct all that stands. I know you are here to make this truth, to gift the heart of what you know, to all who show. And your voice is here today, to tell all there is a better way.

love and hugs to you, who sends love along the way,
your devoted servant, calf woman

josephalmighty wrote on Aug 2, '09
There are ascended masters on this planet right now who have been trapped behind enemy lines, cut off from all support, trapped in earth's reincarnation cycle for many thousands of years and you have forgotten who you are... but some of you have been sent here recently to incarnate as walkins and wanderers to assist in what is happening right now... it's time for you to wake up now because the gates of hell are flying wide open... and it's time for you to "remember the time" when you were fully conscious light beings... you have climbed this ladder of ascension before, and that's why it will be easier for you to do it again... but some of you qualify to do it for the first time, to inherit the promise of becoming sons and daughters of God and ascended masters... you have been called to action, because that's the only way to ascend... this is a brief description of what has happened to some of you who are descending and ascending sons and daughters of God... there are those of you who have descended to help others ascend and those who have been chosen to ascend for the first time because you have met certain requirements... you should know who you are because the angels are trying to wake you up right now, so that you can enter into the battle over the souls of those that are less mature than you... peace & love, Joseph

Full Consciousness: State of unlimited reality where physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are fully integrated. Denotes full use of now-untapped mental and spiritual capabilities: possession of light body and full range of psychic abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis: capacity to instantly manifest what is physically desired: and full rapport with spiritual and other higher dimensions. Not as fully integrated with higher dimensions as Ascended Master. Another term for fully conscious Galactic Human.

The Sons & Daughters Of God - Planetary Guardians & Ascended Masters

Some Of You Are Firstborn Sons & Daughters - Ascended Master Michaels

Christ Has Returned To the Earth In the Flesh,
As The Lightning Of His WORD Flashes
From East In China To The West !!!
josephalmighty wrote on Aug 2, '09
Warriors of the Rainbow - SUNIFOX

It is a story and legend from the Native Americans about the Tribe of People that will rise to save the Earth.... This video is an updated version of the original video.
twindeermother wrote on Aug 2, '09, edited on Aug 2, '09
Relative who walks with the Voice of God,
Walkin, walkin walkin. geedy up! geedy up! geedy up, keep those doggies walkin. Here we go again. Let us hear the song that sings that never lets us in. Don't you want the truth today, and make yourself a loving slave? Don't you want to be the one, who is free and who is done. Evolution comes to you, it's not magical pill it's true. Don't your think God has a plan? And we are here all by chance?

We have much to do, but trying to be fools to you, it's hard to see the truth of day, when we don't give our love away. You think that really, this could be true, but you don't know or have a clue, because you don't come to receive God's love, you open the doors and let all go in to swim. All this fu fu, of empty talk has no validity to make a start, what you need is value of a tree, the whole of consciousness if you please. Here only the perspective of only a few, who don't understand the entire view, the will of God is always here to stay and evolution is the descending way.

You don't just walkin and get a new way, because we all have our perfect display. If you feel others who come inside your heart, it's because it's the flowing of the heart. The ebb and flow of the two directions of God that lives inside of you and me, we call the blue, the blue of relatives we call the leaves and when we walk together we are the sacred tree (four directions colors/seasons of time or journey and two directions/ebb and flow of relatives everywhere=six sided crystal in each of us that glow).

But what is small is great indeed, the way of evolution comes down to your knees (prayer). We have much to learn about, but if we take advantage of all that God gifts then we would know that this is silly indeed. But those who are not willing to receive all their relatives including the aliens who come from afar. They too need to learn to descend, in order for them to learn and begin. We all come from distant shores, to offer us much love to offer us more, but we must be willing to see all and believe, it doesn't happen when we leave out the leaves.

You need to listen to all the relatives, not just a few who sing in the wind. There is much to learn about the sacred ways, it is the foundation of the crystalline haze. And you are part of all this disease, you must realize that it's all just make believe. The truth of the days, are false indeed. So many selling their hearts to bleed. And if you believe the one's who speak, by selling you something that you don't need, it's you who have not listened to all those out there, for you are the magic that fills the air. Do you really believe that we are trapped in earth's reincarnation cycle for many thousands of years and have forgotten who we are...then you are not listening to all that's out there. I know you are trying to spead the word, and I appreciate that you make the Voice heard, but trapped, not a gift, from God up above, how could you believe this? How could you go there?

your devoted relative, who wants to know, when are you going to ask for your sacred know, the four directions that you don't know, how about you ask, to learn all you know! this is WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN, who speaks here today, to tell you there is a new way, of receiving the relatives who all come our way, by speaking the heart of me and the heart will always sing. We share and now we return home to walk the sacred way, when we can receive all the gifts God gives.

ps. Awaiting for the Rainbow Warriors who arise!
Thank you for the Video for all to know, my Brother, my relative, my High Priest too! Yellow Chief says, "I accept this challenge!"
josephalmighty wrote on Aug 2, '09, edited on Aug 2, '09
Black Elk & The Coming Of The Rainbow Nation On The Many Colored Horses

Shortly before his death in 1950, Black Elk offered this comment: "I have been told by the white men, or at least by those who are Christian, that God sent to men His son, who would restore order and peace upon the earth; and we have been told that Jesus the Christ was crucified, but that he shall come again at the Last Judgement, the end of this world cycle. This I understand and know that it is true, but the white men should know that for the red people too, it was the will of Wakan-Tanka, the Great Spirit, that an animal turn itself into a two-legged person in order to bring the most holy pipe to His people, and we too were taught that this White Buffalo Cow Woman who brought our sacred pipe will appear again at the end of this world, a coming which we Indians know is now not very far off."

Perhaps, the words Black Elk heard, saying, "Behold this day, for it is yours to make. Now you shall stand upon the center of the earth to see..." is a message to us all. For this day is ours to make, and the center of the earth, Black Elk tells us, is everywhere. All we need to do is see the world in a sacred manner, and the holy tree will live again.

The Great Voices Of The Seven Thunders Have Spoken In The Endtimes.....

"The sound of my voice will spread throughout the whole earth. I will confront my chosen ones, raising my voice even more, as a mighty thunder, shaking the mountains and rivers. I will confront the whole universe and all mankind, and speak. So, the words of my mouth will become as gems for the peoples, who will treasure them. The lightning flashes from the east to the west. People will not be willing to be separated from me due to my words, which they will find hard to measure. My words will make the peoples as joyful as if they were newly born infants. They will be happy and joyous as they celebrate my arrival. By the sound of my voice I will bring all men before my presence. Thereafter, I will formally enter among mankind, causing all to come and worship me. By issuing forth my glory and by the word of my mouth, I bring all before my presence, and they will see the lightning coming out of the east; moreover, they will see that I have come down onto the "Mount of Olives" of the East; I have already come down to earth, but no longer as the Son of the Jews, but as lightning from the East. This is because I have been resurrected, and have left mankind, and have appeared among the peoples again with my glory. I am the one whom men have worshipped before all the ages, and the "child" who was abandoned by Israel before all the ages. I am Almighty God, who even now is overflowing with glory."

*** The Great Voices Of The Seven Thunders Have Spoken

"From the ends of the earth, all people will close in from all directions with an earthshaking and overwhelming force. Some will come on the ships of the sea, some on the planes of the air, others on all types of conveyances and even some on horseback. Look attentively, and take careful heed; those (sons of god) on the many-colored horses are all in high spirits, full of power and grandeur, and are like those arrayed for battle, indifferent to whether they live or die. Amidst the whinnying (and screaming) of horses and people repeatedly shouting out to the true God, are numerous men, women and children (who refuse to listen). Then, in a moment of time, they are trampled under the hooves of the horses; some die, others are about to die, and others are maimed while no one cares about them. Now, they call out to heaven and earth (when it is too late), and complain bitterly. O these rebellious sons (who refuse to listen)! Will this not be the way you end up?"

*** The Holy Spirit Testifies
To What The WORD Became Flesh Is Saying To Every Church

Christ Has Returned To the Earth In the Flesh,
As The Lightning Of His WORD Flashes
From East In China To The West !!!
josephalmighty wrote on Aug 2, '09, edited on Aug 2, '09
i believe in introducing myself properly & showing some hospitality before i receive gifts from others twindeermother... don't you want to know who you're giving gifts too ???... lol
twindeermother wrote on Aug 3, '09, edited on Aug 3, '09
Beloved Relative Joseph Almighty,
Yes this is important to you, you have all knowledge kept inside the cue (crystalline perfection of flowing), the many doors that open and hold our heaven near, it's you Grandmother overlay to start. And as you hold us near to your heart, you listen and wonder how brillant we are. You offer us wisdom when we don't look in, and you could be magic if you just begin. This introduction would be true to you, since half of you understands Grandmother, the space we live through. And she often gifts more than all the leaves (relatives), and you understand the hospitable way. But my love, it is the magic in the air. It's like when kids just jump into my arms. There is knowing when they run to me and say, "Who are you, I just walked into your arms".

It's the soul that recognizes all of your gifts. The Twin Deer Mother, who knows all the tricks and here you offer much more than you can claim, because I know all including your name. The heavenly name and mission you are on, the earthly tools and what you need here. I know what you like and what you view from and when your heart turns away and runs. I know who the person is before they come home. I know when they shall be coming to lunch, it's because I listen to all the Breeze holds and I can hear all that is told.

Now, just like Santa (crystal, christmas) who comes to offer you gifts. I care not who you are, but just that you Receive, because, I know who's naughty and nice, I come to gift to all who will offer advice to all the relatives who need a hand to hold, the ones who are so bold and true to the Earth. And these will be many who rescue the land, just like my Warrior, the ARMY of GOD. And the Violet person who leads the way, is knowing and showing that there is a better way, because you hold the Green Grass in your heart, and here you lead us all into the Heart of Darkness each day. For leading us into Heaven's doorway, the place that Gardens forever sing. And you know much more than you let on, because you have not forgiven the clown.

Now, I know when you must hold the space near, all those who don't even know which way to blow, but I tell you my young heart, the one who is aged, the Grandmother is your Blue, the relative who is dead. For death the numinous flowing heaven, that allows the fire to light is the space where dead dreams lie, where blessing will touch the sky, if only they could realize all the gifts that lie inside, for you must feel all that the blue brings and hear all that is true and when the time is not nice instead, you want to cut off all of their heads. Let us offer her more this day. Let us know when she goes to bed. Let us gift to her more than she gifts, because she is the space we all live within. For she is the gift that we all live within.

Now the Native People call her Spider who dance, because she weaves all of our destiny and leads with a knife and as you lead us through all of the many doors, will you remember, your child has your hand. And needed will be the strength that you have, the one who came willing with an open heart, my beloved, who came to speak this day, the day of Dawning is here to stay. Even the evolution of many eons, I can see the time track where you left it in the air. I can sea where two travel near and how they end up all in tears and I do know who will come to me next, it's because I passed all of the tests. It's really the Christal that lives inside of me, it's just like many who are here just like me, but I am here to show them the way, the many Crystal people here to stay.

And I tell you, the heart of Gold, comes from gifting all we hold, and the voice of God, in you that you display, tells all life that we have a start. Just hold on tight, and we're off on the ride, the greatest thing for us to survive. WE have been waiting for this a very long time, many milleniums all coming to collide. And you feel and hold us with wisdom each day, and I know your beloved and sacred way. And I see perfection in all of the leaves, this is why they call me Twin Deer Mother please. And the Dream of my Mission is White Buffalo Calf Woman, and all the urls, have come to my hands. It's because the Great Spirits had all in this plan, and we are just here to make the open stand. We the Rainbow Warriors are here to make the stand, over the rolling hills and into the new land. I will be walking behind you to protect me, because I know the Army of God, is following the Great Spirit Father in the sky, and you are my devoted who knows how to cry. And I say, I have missed you forever and a day. Welcome home to my heart, it's about time, eh.
your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother who longs to walk the sacred way!
soulsweeper wrote on Aug 6, '09
That is okay..I do not expect agreement all the and it is not important for people to agree with me to be a friend..Joseph knows..
Not all indigo children (or those Joseph mentions) are not in the right place...
I as a human am not perfect..
But He who lives within me is..Amen
twindeermother wrote on Aug 7, '09, edited on Aug 7, '09
Beloved Soulsweeper,

Most of what is written here is pure fantasy, about crystal indigo children above (exception of what whitebuffalocalfwoman speaks of rainbow creatures of the deep), although our Brother (Joseph Almighty) did bring this here, he did not write it clear. (others wrote this article). There is only misperception in all the writings of Indigo and Crystals too, have much to loose with these words who think they know, all about evolution. Get one small part and think your right, completely fraudulent.

Ignorance comes in many packages, including the one, who says, I'm not Gold. We are the image of God that delights, including you darling, including the night. If you realize that you say nay twice and this means that all goes perfectly right, this means that all children, you and young below are all in the perfect reality show. You are the perfect one, the child that holds thee, but if we are the image of the perfectly, then we must be perfect, but you don't know thee, because you are not willing to ask for blessings. (ask for blessings honey)

The perfect is part of what an Indigo (person) is, and just because you don't understand doesn't mean it does not exists. And the only way for you to know what it all means is, if you start to read, the whole that was left for thee. Try to Please read this in order that you may understand the four directions in thee! to see, what we have read for Blactacular Shawnee!

your devoted servant, who walks this way, to teach you of the blue (heart) we play, the Indigo Warrior and the Crystalline true, is not all people including you. But even though you may not be the Warrior who is perfectly (learning to be), you still are the image of God, who says my children I delight in thee and as my gift I leave behind, the image of perfect, me in kind. White buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother, is here to express it's part of the show, the ones who wish to make money on all the Rainbow Clan (making money off of crystal and indigo children), they are the ones who are making this stand, the fraudulent who don't know what's at hand because they have a small piece and now they think they can all be thieves.

I know your heart is not this way, because the servant you try to be, but if you really want to know the way, then you will ask for your perfect display and how God gave gifts to thee. All you have to do is live up to yee. What is perfect you do not see, because you cannot see inside of heaven so perfectly, this is why God sent me to yee.

whitebuffalocalfwoman is here to day, to say I bid adieu (I commend you to God) until another day, and your Twindeermother says there is a way, to know that Greatness is here to stay and to live inside of you all the glory God gives!

White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter

"Left earlier"
To exalt the Gift is to give praise to the Highest.
"Thou shalt be the image of my likeness", we are and will always be the image of God, we therefore need to exalt ourselves to the highest and know we are perfect."

The crystalline rainbow that lives in you, the heart of all that living is the part of the truth, it's only the reflection that gifts us the light, the wondrous journey we sing in strife, but we would have no other way, to enjoy all the beloved sacred displays! Welcome home Sacred Rainbow, where you shine all day, and nights bring the stars the emanate all grays (hear we go in Grandmother Space, weaving the Rainbow).

Blessings To and Fro, Nine Streams We Do Go!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

The crystalline rainbow that lives in you, the heart of all that living is the part of the truth, it's only the reflection that gifts us the light, the wondrous journey we sing in strife, but we would have no other way, to enjoy all the beloved sacred displays! Welcome home Sacred Rainbow, where you shine all day, and nights bring the stars the emanate all grays (hear we go in Grandmother Space, weaving the Rainbow trail).