Crystal Indigo Children
"Express your unique color-robe - shine your light around the globe ***" says, Cup of God who glows.

Hello family of God, We are all learning to become the Perfection within each of us. We know the world is changing and our souls want to fly. But how? And what is our mission? Your "Garment of Lights" gives you all these answers, known as your "Sacred Four Directions" or the "Buffalo Robe". Join us and learn from the Elders who will follow you home... and teach you about yourself. Aho, which means, "May Your Spirit Fly!"

Blessed Bee (Cup of God said): Shavah to the Great Sun within - may creation of heaven on earth begin - let's bow and bless - purify the mess - so we can officially confess - we are children of the Rainbow clan - living according to the divine plan - sending my love to you - asking you to share your point of view - AHO - may your spirit fly - Cup of GoD , Magenta halls of consciousness, Rainbow Warrior

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Terms Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow Clan

Indigo is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body, multi-colored each of us have. We can all fly, when we dream. The Indigo child is often a prophet and great teacher who lives with visions and conflict. Most of us do not live our lives like this. Indigo represents our Soul body. An Indigo child is a Great Warrior and brings to us the inner reflection towards truth! They inspire you to enter your Vision Quest. Indigo (perfect soul body)

Crystal is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the Physical Body,a powerful and loving being who gifts,the actions of your dream. The Crystal person is reader of the book of life, the sacred four directions, who speaks directly with God and interprets the absolute truth. Crystal represents our Physical body. Most of us do no live our lives like this. Crystal represents our Physical body. A Crystal child is a Great Warrior and brings peace through the lesson. They inspire you to become your dream of love and peace, what we often call happiness! Crystal (perfect physical body)

The Rainbow Clan are the Sacred Multi-Colored Auras of the Blue in You and Me, our Relation or family. Each of us carry Four Sacred Directions. The Circle of Colors, the Rainbow reflects off the Ocean Blue. Born from these lights We are Perfect Children Within. Each of us carry a Dream seeking Love. The Path we follow are the Four Sacred Directions Written in our Garment of Lights called the "Buffalo Robe". We belong to the Rainbow Clan. These unseen colors guide us towards our mission. This is written in your Sacred Garment of Lights, the Holy Temple, where Truth is written in the Book of Life! Only a Crystal child can read this Book of Life clearly.

Embracing and attaining spiritual knowledge (seeking) and allowing the directional flowing (ebb and flow) of the eternal ages Reveals Greatness. A Light From Within. We are the Reflection of our Blue oceans and sky.Water provide us with all that life offers in Unity! Spiritual Warriors are born to be Perfect Blessings

Email to ask for your rainbow colors, the four sacred directions of your rainbow (buffalo robe), the body of lights often referred to as auras, however, only a crystal person, can read these colors correctly as colors cross over each other and it gets very confusing. White Buffalo Calf Woman is an Elder Crystal child, who is happy to read your four sacred directions as part of the great give-a-way, the blessings from G_ah_d (utterance of heavenly transmission) or the Divine of "I am" and "I am part of the Greater Universe of the Whole Oneness". Blessings upon your deeds today!

Blessed Bee (Cup of God said): Yes, that's true - and you White Buffalo Calf Woman knew - that out of the blue - pure joy I wheel feel - now that the Rainbow Trail revealed is and real. While bowing I bless - purifying the mess - nine streams and four beams - we all share the same dreams. Love is the theme and regime - Rainbow tribe team wear thy Buffalo Robe with self-esteem. ~~~ Cup of GoD (Magenta halls of consciousness) - again I bow and bless!

Understanding the Rainbow Fields

16 Colors that Walk and Talk on Mother Earth, the Rainbow Clan (links will be added to colors, check back periodically)
Each child wears four directions in rainbow colors called the buffalo robe, the prayer cloth of many colors.

Warning: Relatives, This image and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE),, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

1. color red
Sixth Sun-Red child; Frequency 1, red robe
2. color orange
Fifth Daughter-Orange child; Frequency 2,
3. color yellow (bright yellow, like 24k gold, element)
Fifth Sun-Yellow child; Frequency 3,
4. color green
Fourth Daughter-Green child; Frequency 4,
5. color blue
Fourth Sun-Blue child; Frequency 5,
6. color indigo
Third Daughter-Indigo child; Frequency 6,
7. color violet (purple)
Third Sun-Violet child (color purple); Frequency 7,
8. color lavender (middle earth color, the gate in/out of paradise), red robe
Second Daughter-Lavender child; Frequency 8,
9. color magenta (middle earth color, pinks)
Second Sun-Magenta child (color pinks); Frequency 9, red robe
10. color aqua (middle earth color, sky blue)
Eldest Daughter-Aqua child (color sky blues); Frequency 10 (true color red-flows and completes the circle),
11. color crystal (mirror to soul, diamond, pearl, pure light)
Eldest Cosmic/heavenly Sun-Crystal child (color pearl, diamond, clear, pure light); Frequency 11 (true color red-red),
12.a. color silver (light gray, mirror to sole, reflection of light particles, element)
Cosmic/heavenly Woman (yearning devotion) - Silver child (color cut gems, shards of light and it's electromagnetic state); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
12.b. color rainbow (revolving rainbow colors, dark red), red robe
Cosmic/heavenly Mother(earnest devotion) - Rainbow child
(color, revolving colors and reverberation); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
13. color golden (dark yellow, like 14k gold, combined elements)
Cosmic/heavenly Father-Golden child; Frequency 13 (true color red-yellow),
14. color gray (dark gray)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandmother-Gray child; Frequency 14 (true color red-green),
15. color white (star)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandfather-White child (color bright star); Frequency 15 (true color red-blue).

Warning: Relatives, This image and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE),, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Search Our Blogs

Relatives, Search Rainbow Colors on these blogs Crystal-Indigo-Children and Sacred Song Blessings, as well as blogs linked to our pages through the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Take the time to read these articles posted below to understand the Rainbow Fields. Thank you. Ask White Buffalo Calf Woman for your four rainbow colors (buffalo robe)

Greetings beloved Relatives, I bow to You Tdm Wbcw bless your heart and all who are a part of this magnificent creation of elation through the tears and the fears we can all find the cheers when we let love in the sadness it clears ~ sparkling crystals appear in our heart to share for all those who care lend an ear you are dear / deer Blessings to all relations across the nation I Love You, Grandmother Walks on Stones (
Nicole Swan Ministryoftheheart)

Recommended Reading to understand Children of Light: 12112013 The Holy Spirit Inside You, the Ghost Dancer in the Buffalo Fields: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)

Recommended Reading to understand Spacial fields or Relativity, all our relatives: 11122013 SUN's LIGHT and MOTHER RAINBOW, the Field (11/12 the Field/s): Swimming Ice Blowing in the Wind
11132013 Field of Paradise: Swimming Ice Blowing in the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)
1114013 White Buffalo in the Wind: Swimming Ice Blowing in the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)
11152013 If I Can Follow Through To You: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)
12172013 Revelation Fields: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Princess of the Wing Gillian Dove who comes to Roost Running Fox

Princess of the Wing (no crown, it means love spills over in flight) , Dove who comes to Roost (heavenly name), Running Fox (earthly name),

Star that Shines Lakota Sister sings her heart has come to ming (bright star) , the west and the east comes my way, to be the perfect beloved way. The colors of the rainbow do bring to thee, the heart of loving company.  

Violet: First we shed the song of hope, with a voice that's strong as a rope. This is the perfect violet, because it brings us to the rest.  One voice of many hearts belts out and shouts.  Here we come to be the way of angels if we sing.  The strength of the song is loud indeed, especially when we run free. And now we need the strength of time to push us over into the other side.  Evolution has come to roost, to be a perfect layer cake.  Here we eat the sum of God, the devour it inside out. And when we finished with the bake, we find that we are sitting loud.  Here we stand on mountain tops to envision valleys of Gardens clouds.

Magenta: Now we seek the vision clear, but we so many near.  The greatest rainbow we have ever seen, is what we bring to the lights of thee.  Like a circus going round and round, the play of action is not undone.  Flowing going round and round, the hoops of magic is still undone.  We think we are not a part, but we are the sacred loving heart. And in the palace fills the air I wonder who else might be in there.  So many travelers do come home, just to bellow out their know.  And when they speak out of turn, then I must help them turn.  And when they look at the right door of life, they feel so satisfied.  And when they look into the wind, their tears of sin are gone again.  And we can feel what might be here, but what is here is magic filled.  I want all to know inside, is part of you and part of the pie. And I need you as much as me, to be the heart of all the leaves.  Travel my bridge to sea the other side, the distant shore that breathes alive.  And when you seek the place you are, then you understand more than thar (needs).

Crystal:  Life goes on and on and on, and what make us so damned proud. I think many could be so good, if they could only choose. We gift the lesson for all to be, the perfect loving harmony.  But often they just walk away, from all that fuss and so much play.  What can be done if they don't turn into the mountain that gave them so much room.  I say this and they say that, but in the end, love is where it's at. But in the end, the time will speak, to hold and mutter for Goodness Sake.  We need love to be a part of every single living tree. But so many think that God is not them, and they feel left out of the please. But it's they who bring the cherished gift, the heart of loving peaceful bliss.  Which way do we go from here, when love could only fill the air. They are me and I am them, if only we could always sing.

Gray: Here my love we swim through time, to be a part of all the leaves.  The tree of life that lets us in, is part of every living sun.  And I wish Grandmother could be this way, the loving sacred breeze today.  But I know she is not always satisfied, because the world is lost in their hides.  But Grandmother she is what we need, the heart of loving in the breeze.  The greatest teacher with so much patience, is her embrace inside the sun.  Deep inside the mountain claims the rich and famous who never die.  And we could be part of this sunshine, when we learn to shine from inside.  Grandmother you lift me up, and fill my heart with loyal dust.  Over rolling hills of time, you bring me closer to all that's thine.  Grandmother you are part of me, even when I don't believe. You are my steady constant friend, because we don't have time to swim.  

Now we see the way of the wind, we speak of loving times again.  But what can we do to make it clear that evolution is so darn near? Take the will of everyone and we have angry wasted fluff. But if ceremonies come to us, then we can find sacred dust.  Grandmother and I come to you to pray to seek and devoted loyal way to keep, and when the sun peaks over head, then we know we have past the test.  Deep within and down the road, Grandmother always shows, that we are the heart of everyone, when we choose the loving snow. Crystals and everything fills my heart of living loving sacred dust.  Everything is clear to me, but I have so many sacred trees.  Then I choose to be with God, the sacred Rainbow that always glows.

sung by white buffalo calf woman, your devoted twin deer mother

Fire Offers Purification

Blessings To and Fro, Nine Streams We Do Go!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

The crystalline rainbow that lives in you, the heart of all that living is the part of the truth, it's only the reflection that gifts us the light, the wondrous journey we sing in strife, but we would have no other way, to enjoy all the beloved sacred displays! Welcome home Sacred Rainbow, where you shine all day, and nights bring the stars the emanate all grays (hear we go in Grandmother Space, weaving the Rainbow trail).