It's the dawning of time, when there will be a shine, the child and the dream will come true. All we need is the spelling (awe stricken charm, the magic power to serve and relieve) of the shelling (removing outer cover to find within the treasure) we canaling (passageway that keep us together or ducts that allow our tears to flow, to travel down a river, to enjoy and never be unhappy while living with God) if we choose only love that is sublime (majestic).
And if all is the hood, the brother's who should, then we will be the magic carpet on a ride. Let us be the adventurer who takes our heart out (outward), to be the hope of a child. Then we would be the cover that we need to be stable, the time of loving brotherhood of all days. Heaven is coming and let Earth hear the ringing of freedom and clouds that are full of rain. To plant every seed and then in the spring, the flowers will blossom again in our hearts. Then there is fall that is uncovered, the trees that turn colors, that give us the best show in the world. And Golden never has a heart to say never, because all is possible with them. Dreams come alive and we can come out from hiding, to a land that is rich and man can sea (vision of the heart).
It's the Golden who knows that fear never goes to a world of Heaven and Earth. We need brotherhood this day, to be a land that we can play, the place we all go out to dance and have a good time. What happens when we forgot that Love rules the day and our hearts never give the time of the day? We need offer a brother, a warm heart who is in trouble and give consolance when there is a need. I am the Golden Sun, that rises in the afternoons to be rich in sunshine each day. There is a land where our sisters need refuge to be discovered, the embrace even the sun needs each day. We can drive the heart homeward when the sun is golden and we are living sacred each day.
Now the Green is the cover of the storm and it's trouble, the unrecognized place where the river of life does flow. I want my separation to be discovered to bring them together, as one heart, one flowing one time. And if we recognize the hearts that need loving then, we could be the warriors who long for paradise each and every day. The days of the oven has come to cook (the sacred blessings, purification by fire, like candles and incense or the fire lit sky that is prophesied-meteors) our loving, to be a bright shining light that purifies the ways. We each need God's willing to be the heart of nilly (not to will, but to be flowing) the place where forgiveness is the past (to put under as forgiveness has already taken place and joy has been discovered). We each have our part, the sacred start, the golden dawning of time, the open portals where rivers do flow. And there is one knowing the place where all men flow, the heart and one mind of God.
It's the voice of the Violet, who discovers the baskets (to fill up, like as a fountain receives others to gift it's cleansing, the blades of grass who provide us with God the house, the place we do flow as the river of God), the places we each go into time. Many don't see how much pressure it needs, to bring us together, as one flowing heart that is sublime. And we are the hearts knowing to bring us together when we choose the hear all the parts, as one voice. If we discover the many who uncover, to bring our problems to a sound (song of Angels). The calling of trouble tells us we need each other to resolve all our differences each day. And the heart that knows trouble is the one who uncovers the many flowing apart everyday. It's the voice that echoes, and the heart that is known when we offer each other the way out, from distress and disease when love is used to be part of all life. It's the strength of the army to be part of the warriors who fight for justice every single time.
It's Grandmother (gray) who shutters and longs to be with each other, when the love of all people come apart. We need the embrace to fill the heart of grace, to be the willing, the forgotten we disdain. We have to be the heart of those who need to smart (sting) us, because it's them who have lost their way. And they need a good story every day, to shed light upon their days. And gift love to all who show you the heart of always.
We endure because trouble is where those who have never, the true love of those who need help. In each of us is a heart that speaks to keep us together and only warriors who are true to keep us as part, of the flowing river, the life that is forever, the place we go from we call God (eternal circle of life). Let us gift loving, let us be forgiving. Let us be the great warrior true and then we will be open to solve all our problems and seek each others hearts to begin to stay alive!
Blessings Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, Elder Crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter, of the four sacred directions of the Rainbow Colors for Barbara, the foreign protector from the other shore, the realm of heaven upon the earth.