Responding to this Blog by http://josephalmighty.multiply.com
To exalt the Gift is to give praise to the Highest.
"Thou shalt be the image of my likeness", we are and will always be the image of God, we therefore need to exalt ourselves to the highest. We have so little inside of us that offers us a Dream, the fire's light that begin inside, comes when you realize your Greatness! And is this person asking for "Blessings and Gifts", well we will sea, the heart will receive me, the one God sent to yee.
And Beloved Blactacular, I apologize for not leaving thee, my email address here at this Blog, but if you write to me at Whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com, I will gift the Colors of your Garment of lights. (oh, it is here, maybe you missed it too)
your devoted servant,
whitebuffalocalfwoman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
ps. I hope to hear from you soon, to learn all the Gift God gave to you!
wrote:On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 12:03 PM
I am not sure how we are to begin this process. So please let me know what information you need to verify our colors and I will happily provide them.
Again thank you.
a.k.a.: Blactacular (Joseph's friend from Multiply)
Beloved ~ Shawnee~,
If you don't understand me when I break into Song, which it seems that's how I am moving along. Please ask questions so you can understand.
I don't need anything but the asking of you, so you may know Receiving the Greatest God knows. You are the makings of everything good if you could only believe that it is true.
Your colors of the Rainbow Garments of light that you shed, is worn on your flesh, the body you hold. And you are the Blue, the sea of everyone, it is you, who is the heart of everyone. Please read this http://peacefulwisdomprayer.blogspot.com/2009/05/brother-wolf-speaks-warrior-freedom.html to help you along. The Elder Blue inspired the Truth (eternal bells), our Lisping Wise One.
We share the flowing that go to and fro (two directions), it's called the Blue of you and me. You are the oceans of everyone out there. You need to start blessing to keep it down to a roar. The leaves (relatives on the tree of life often called the blue) are here to bring us new, the blessed Rainbow, it's all true (Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy).

The third of your colors is open and wide, it's the sunshine that opens inside. The color of wisdom that allows you to ask, the cosmic father (golden) who is here to give a blast, of brotherly wisdom from heaven that you seek, the one who has no fear, but must openly speak. When you call the brothers and sisters to come they run to offer you more of relatives to meet.
The last of the colors we all share inside, this is the way, that we can survive. This allows us to be the perfect royalty, when we listen to Grandmother (grey) who walks around us outside this day. These people are part of everyone, because they are the open and darkness of the sun. The tender of fires that lie inside the dark, is where we all go to open up and dream. The Grandmother is the space where we all collide, and Blue is the Color where the heart is felt.
Now you have blue and red (magenta) to offer you the way, the very to and fro, the beautiful display. When you get it back to the inside of you, don't forget to bless each hour in order for you to succeed. There is no other way to open the door within, the four sacred directions and the two that go, to and fro. These are the six directions of the Crystalline we all share. Let us begin the dance of love and gift it all to see, everywhere, because Brotherhood is here!
I hope to see you here with us to offer to all the leaves (relatives), the knowing of a Soul Elder, the Blue of you and me. You are the heart of the people everywhere, and this means you must feel all that is within. Please don't think it is you, but Bless instead, this will offer you peace when all is just unrest.
Blue, Magenta, Golden, and Grey, these are your four sacred colors today. These will change when you learn your way, but not until you leave your flesh to understand a new way. These in this lifetime will gift you the way, of treasures for all and treasures that fall, but wisdom will come home just to know all (seeker or one on a vision quest, who can receive blessings).
Reading your colors are true (feeling) to you and me, but there is so much more if you are willing to receive. The heavenly name, earthly tools and sacred directions too, the evolution's story-the four rolling hills, interpretation of the book of life and songs of the heart speak of the mathematical perfection of all who reside inside of heaven and earth (the blue, the relatives) who shall provide, the meaning of all will belong to the Suns of Israel to distribute to make clear and be true, to all the relatives who long to know the truth, of God's Grace and so much more as you listen and hear the many stories of all our Relatives, for they know all that should be here! We are perfect in the child, who longs to be wild! Freedom Man, Freedom! And Woman will make the STAND. Let me know what you need and I can offer thee, especially the child you hold, the child who can touch the sky. When children see visions we need to pay attention, for they are just coming from Heaven and know more things, and we need offer them room to grow to view with a heart, thank you for coming and receiving my heart.
Maybe you could help Joseph to come and receive too. He has much to offer if he could be used (servant to the people), by the many who need him, by the many who care, when we work together, we become servants to all. And I hope to see you sharing all that you know, because I need the Blue to hold my hand and show, that many are here to bleed (suffer the law of love) to show them the way, but if the Blue doesn't stand up then all will be lost. I depend on you my Brother to last until the day, when the Red Sky comes upon us and we must all go to hide. The migration is upon us and we must find our way, through the valley of darkness that soon will be on our heads. I wish upon a star that Brothers everywhere will walk with me and hold my hand and teach all that is clear.
Lastly, I left this for you...
11:11, is the Crystalline Twin, your Twin (heart of other) Deer (spirit journey) Mother (offering you law of love, to unite broken hearts). This is the returning of the Crystal people everywhere (white and red calves being born), when the Door of Heaven (Crystal people) shall be awaiting all to come and knock to see the truth of God's Heaven sent. We start in heaven and return to heaven this is the way of God.
Inside of us is perfectly the soul and the flesh, which many are calling thee, the Indigo and Crystal for these are perfect warriors who come to seek truth and lay it on the land. The indigo is representing of the Soul of perfection in yee, and the crystal is the representing of the Flesh of perfection in yee, and when you combine the perfect soul with the perfect flesh, you have an elder, who does what he or she says. This seems simple but so many cannot be this perfect harmony. Here is the love that God gave to thee, and when we open our hearts to see, we are able to Receive and be Free.
your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
ps. if you want to understand more, please visit http://crystal-indigo-children.blogspot.com. We
are not all Crystal people of Indigo people but we are all the representing of the Perfect Soul and Perfect Flesh, now it's time to come home at last.
I will be adding this to http://crystal-indigo-children.blogspot.com so others may realize all what is gifted here. I hope that you will be proud to show the world, of your beauty that lies inside, the Greatest part of Heaven, the Greatest part of thee, and I know that God will dance when all come home because of yee. You are the Great Star God sent home to me!
Holiness David asks for me today to explain how to get to us and how to make your way to understanding the wisdom of all this stuff (spiritual evolution of the eternal soul) that is coming your way, but if we pull together, then we can make the way (yellow, the dream). To put the pieces together, you need start reading all my stuff, the Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother this Day. The Blogs who tell all the guff of stories untold without a heart, now I must come and make it perfect a start. We need view heaven as we hold ourselves deer (journey), the greatest of evolution is here to stay. I would start at this Blog http://twindeermother.blogspot.com from there you can link all the way along. The Outer hoop (prefer yahoo) (receiving songs of all the world who come along of perfection in their songs) and layers of hoops that will lead you towards the beginning, our Hearts Elders who Lead the Way. http://alightfromwithin.org
Start at the Circle that you feel links your heart, and you will be in the very perfect start. The Third hoop is for warriors (wbcw)
From the heart of Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star who says, "We are going to forgive them anyway, which is the right thing to do."
http://www.ajoylightfromwithin.org (Inner Hoop 2004)
Four Years Between, Holiness David Running Eagle and White Buffalo Calf Woman (ordained Heavenly and Earthly, both of us) on the Streets Ministering in our Itasca 32' ft Motorhome and Dark Green Jaguar, which all was gifted from the Heavenly Realms. We did not start here, but in a back of a 69 Chevy C20 3/4 Ton, my beloved Chevy never fails, the Earth God gave us to lie down inside of when we finally put up the walls, the 1969 Californian camper and it was installed by our very hands which took six months to kill (Time used to know who would help the flow, not even Christmas Day, our Relatives speak a show, but don't put up and show what is said from their mouths each day), for the Souls of the World as fellow travelers and relatives. Presently 2009 and we will be travelers for another four years as we lead and follow the migration homeward for all the relatives who come home to fulfill the Prophecy of Rainbow Warriors! Welcome home Rainbow Clan, to the third phase of evolution, Heaven and Earth, walking with our hearts in the dark, where heaven lives inside our heart and here we collide to know that God is alive, the Heaven that knows all that is Gold. Brotherhood is here to bring us near, to precious cargo we carry each day!
http://www.whitebuffalocalfwoman.org (home for reflection, the blue of me and you! 2008)
Global Saturday Prayers:
RSS feed: http://peacefulwisdomprayer.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
outer hoop: http://www.whitebuffalocalfwoman.info (blue road 2008)
outer hoop: http://www.houseofthebeloved.info ( red road july2009)
third hoop: http://www.whitebuffalocalfwoman.net (2009)
Writing, Networking Agenda, Media (june 2009)
blog: http://white-buffalo-calf-woman.blogspot.com
third hoop: http://www.houseofthebeloved.net
Writing, Networking Agenda, Media (july 2009)
blog: http://houseofthebeloved.blogspot.com
second hoop: http://www.ajoylightfromwithin.org (2004)
Warrior Blog: http://crystal-indigo-children.blogspot.com (2008)
Those who know their sacred four directions and heavenly name!
inner hoop: http://www.ajoylightfromwithin.org (2004)
Elders blog: http://active-indigos.blogspot.com (2003)
Golden Warriors who know their souls mission, walking and talking sacred, working as relatives.
Telephone Conference Access each Week for those with Questions, especially if you are not getting an email back in time for your vision quest.
We welcome you to our telephone gathering:
White Buffalo Calf Woman and Elders
Friday and Sunday 4pm PST
Your dial-in number: 1-641-715-3715
Your unique PIN: #062013