Ali Ce
Education of the Dawning - Dec 30, 2016
I have only been found by the circle recently. Where do I go from here please?
1. Ali Ce Dec 30, 2016
Being lost for a long time and realizing that this world is all backwards in how it is being run. Not enough people care, love, give or take responsibility anymore. What has brought you here +Sesu Adamusu?
Sesu AdamusuDec 30, 2016
+Ali Ce Well being the strange child I am. I was studying Pyrokenisis. I've always loved the supernatural type of stuff. And upon my researching. I stumbled upon "Star seeds" learning I was a Crystal child. From there I've been searching for others, trying to understand things better. And I managed to find this community, in hopes it will teach me
Ali Ce Dec 30, 2016
Hopefully you will be able to obtain some answers and guidance. As mentioned before, this is all extremely new to me, having found information over the last week that has led me here. Very interesting signs have been shown to me so I have followed. Hopefully some peace will be found here +Sesu Adamusu
Sesu Adamusu Dec 30, 2016
I hope you find what you look for, and that all goes well in your learning~
Ali Ce Dec 30, 2016
As I do for you. Some more guidance from other members would be wonderful.
Sesu Adamusu Dec 30, 2016
+Ali Ce Ahhh yes, well.. I've only met one other person on here. I hope things go well. Good luck.
Ali Ce Dec 30, 2016
+Sesu Adamusu good luck for you as well.
Ali Jakobsen Dec 31, 2016
+Ali Ce How did you discover you were a Crystal Child?
WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother January 5, 2017
Relative Ali Ce,
Read this pinned at the top of our circle
Covenant of the Rainbow
Ask for your sacred buffalo robe, which tells you about your four colors you wear. Ali Jakobsen asked "Ali Ce How did you discover you were a Crystal Child?" So with this question (you asking for your buffalo robe), we can verify the truth about you and your greatness. Each color has a power and condition, learning to become your greatness is why you are here. Thank you for being near. Recommend you read this as well...
What is the Sacred Buffalo Robe (colors you wear)?
After this, you will know what is most important spiritual practice you must perform each day to enlighten your waves (colors). You can start your spiritual practice even now, through daily prayers. Jeremy Chris asks a good question about spiritual practice
Thank you Relatives for helping out and healing others who are on the path of recovery and healing, seeking family around the world who understand the spiritual path is the way of the collective consciousness which no man can stop. Learning is how to survive.
Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, Angel Services Around the World, Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow
Ali Ce Jan 5, 2017
+Ali Jakobsen as mentioned before a number of reasons have led to my discovery. For years I have simply wanted happiness and a sense of belonging in this world, which although I have found fleetingly in the past it has never sustained. After some extremely stressful times in my personal life, I have now taken further steps to find who i truly am and it is working. From giving freely to any in need, minimalizing physical possessions being true to how I feel and acting in a kind and true manner, my life is turning around. I am having random strangers coming up and telling me their stories (happy or sad) and they walk away smiling, my garden is more productive and beautiful than ever, i have a sense of peace and calm that has not been there for years. My crystals i have collected for years are sparkling even brighter than ever. People are continually commenting on my eyes and i have strangers simply starring at them. The ocean is calling me and animals are now drawn to me as well. These are simply some of the discoveries I have found in the last few months. Hopefully it is not too much information. Lastly i am finally beginning to feel again for the first time in years, I am finally healing and would love to help others do the same.
Ali Ce 11:59 AM
+WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother is the answer I gave to in my previous comment sufficient to gain my name? I am unable to fo to some of your links from your previous comment as well. Thankyou, sister.
WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother 12:44 PM
+Ali Ce , this sounds like what you are doing for yourself (going inwards), rather than what you are doing for others (going outwards). We are a collective consciousness and thus we must help each other both inwardly and outwardly. When we are down, we find someone else who is down and pick them up. Joined at the hip. We are learning to lean on each other, depending on others in the world of our collective dreaming, whether awake or not. A Great Name (mission in life) is gifted for people who earn it. Have you sent me a gift. Instead there is much for you to do right now. Share more and more on this circle and get involved in the ghost dance (all together in the collective consciousness in the sky around the earth).
My beloved Relative Ali Ce, you should really start by asking for your buffalo robe (four directions in colors). This will help you find your Greatness. You will receive this help quite readily, so everyone can learn about the rainbow colors and the collective clan of the Rainbow Tribe.
You are trying to become a light from within and this glow does two things, brings in those who are pure of heart, but also more fear from those who are impure of heart. Be aware. Always try to send love, no matter what. You can validate or repeat, without saying your point of view. This is part of the law of love for everyone. We must hear what others say before we share what we say.
Alright sweetheart, ask for your sacred buffalo robe to know your greatness and the four colors you wear as a prayer cloth (sukkah, temporary dwelling for the spirit).
Love and blessings, your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child,
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WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother 1:12 PM
+Ali Ce asks
12:50 PM
If I am ready am I able to receive my buffalo colours please?
Got it Sister, will get to it soon. Be patient. You are quite ready to receive and believe all the colors in your wings. Look forwards to sharing with you. Your devoted Sister, elder
Read more here
Questions and Answers for the Indigo and Crystal Children
1. "I have only been found by the circle recently. Where do I go from here please?" asks Ali Ce.
2. (pertaining to spiritual practices) "Been a lost indigo adult for years... Still trying to find my way... Alone and empty... But.. Still here. Trying to make this world a better place" says Jeremy Chris.
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Listen to the heart inside of me ring. I want to feel the feathers again. Will you hear me calling out to you. I am near, part of this sacred blue. Take my hand and I will walk with you. Take my hand and we will talk it through. All my troubles come from you, because you did not glisten to the tune. So let us sing out and cry our names to bring us back to the sane. Now my troubles have fallen from me, because we did pray to save your rings.
Listen children to the tune, where miracles come to bloom. I will sail among the stars to bring in a sacred living arc/ark. If you wanted to sail with me, just hold my hand and we will sail away into the heavenly dew we will praise. I send my love out to whisper to you. I needed your love to get me on through. And when you are happy, I am able to deliver the good knews.
Witness to longevity that wails, my heart will sing upon those wails. And if you wanted to share it this day, my heart will bow down with you to pray. My heart will bow down with you to pray. Look at the reasoning of all this time. We are the children who long to chime. Just need a reason to hold onto you. Then we will be able to find the blue. Then we will be able to find the true.
Listen to my hands in works of love. I will divulge to you a great hug. Now look at me and find my eyes, my soul will gift to you a surprise, my love will find your sacred eyes. My love will find your sacred eyes. Look for me in the winds and the seas. Look for me instead of enemies. Look for me, I will be there for you. Just take my hand and find the blue. Take my hand and we will bow on through (pray together, as brotherhood breaks bread, we share our hearts to be once more read, express your heart and relieve your woes to catch the great hill to be exposed or to take flight into great sight. Have a vision with me, brotherhood on the seas).
White Buffalo Calf Woman sings for me today. I am a warrior that longs to display, how to keep up with those children in need, because troubled times needs a good seed. Because troubled times, needs a good seed. Listen to my heart, Golden child Ali Ce. I will be there out in the breeze.
Gifted by Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Propehcy
Holy Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, the Promise of the Rainbow
Knews and Visions Circle with White Buffalo Calf Woman
notation: Golden Father is the color appears golden, 13, red-yellow and brotherhood begins, reaching towards each other in joyful relations. And we talk, share the dew.
There is a row, where the shadows go. We want to witness all this light. Where you have been today, learning how to display. Come and join the party of the golden waves. Inside went wrong, but I have a song, so I will sing and bring in the music and dance together with you. And all through the night, I will believe this sight, because living is learning and learning is living with you.
Talk today, there is a window in the display. Talk today, we are in reason, we are in season. And all you dew, comes to a shining place. It is time to share the small and read tall. Come to this hither and wane together, we will sway to and fro all the waves. Then we will call upon the shore to shore to learn to adorn. All the children come shining in the seas. We are the witness to all longevity and we seasons of time set free. Come to my heart and set this course free. Love is the way come hear us pray. Heaven got a hand on you. There we will shine for you to show you the view, just hold hands. There we will band. There we will stand.
I have been looking for you such a long time in the wind. Calling you tracking you and sensing if you are around in the wind. Come gentle sphere. I know you are near. Lie down and dream and think of all those things. Heaven shine true blue my heart too. Heaven shine through. All the children gone awry, I know the blue. Tell all the seasons of this time, we are making it all sublime to the heavenly reign. I just got to get on this train. We will accumulate the seasons, the trails and all the tales of the week. And together we will eat the spoils of the seas. Heaven send you to me. Heaven shine in the cosmic breeze. Heaven shore my hand to you, just to know you are next door. And when we shine our hearts in the land. Come tell the working heart we will band. Forever reasons. We got the seasons.
Look at it round and round we go. Look at it all the sacred snow. We are looking forth, the land of off course. There we will veer the other way, reflect (trines) the shining pave. Tell us all together, our hearts in the weather. We are going to this land today. Heaven on Earth we display. Wings come out from me I will shine, because the gold (3 dreamer, trines curve, everything hoops or goes round) in on the wind, looking (13) for you (others in the tribe of many colors). And I will share my heart to care into the land of many who are aware, shining with our heart. Each doing their part. Flow to heaven and shine on me. We will come to the heart of eternity. There we will shine it true with me and you. We will sail into the sun.
And when the moon arises. We will show our cries. We will reflect the gears to make no fear, for love will not wage war. And if we kindly find a way to live a grime, then purify it way, together we will pray. Knights in the seas will save the day. There is holy true, the marked is you. My hand is thine. Let us all come shine. There is a land of many kings, for it is a prophecy with wings. I tell you true blue. My heart just wants to get to you. And if shore to shore, I finally adore, I will find you. And when the land is part of all the suns and I can fly with one, I will be with you. The cosmic snow trail will lead me there, the crystalline talble I set for you, there I will be breaking bread just for you as I said.
Let all the hearts join me today, bringing the land of brotherhood way, when we cry our hearts. Let us sail our parts to those foreign lands, just to make a stand. Set the table share my goods. I want to trade with you like I should. Swap stories. Let me hear of your glories. And if time is coming to you in this land of quake, then we will shimmy and shake, the sacred dance. Bring on the tune. I want to call for you. We will dance too. Come bring your pony. Come bring your tribe. Come bring your bishop. We will teach him about the sky. And when you are on a journey, then we will climb, to the other regions of tomorrow, the story that binds.
Tell you true, when we did gift the heart to you, we sat at this table and learned about everything. Where we are reason, there is a season, for all that set the table, teaching us a story. Do you not see, the bounty in relativity. Shine true, the many stories, the plenty of foods that share the glory, the animals sing and bring in wings. And we together will fly our way. Come share our hearts into the starts, the making of all thine true, the magic of the voyage, the land we restore, when we start to talk and adore. Let us swap stories. I will share the glory. Then we will become a holy tribe, where the moon cries her eyes. And there we will reflect, the brotherhood respect, the calling of this land, together. We will be one, trouble just begun, yet we will dance and sing. Then we will remember about everything. And stories hold their tragedies, but then we dance and sing, saying, prayers in our hearts. Let us do a better part. And through this story we set a pace, the making of the heart in a good chase to sail across oceans of time and learning to be with you. You are my heart that is true blue. You are my heart too. You are my heart in the lands that live, because we know you. And forever we will shine forth, together we will bind this worth. And dreaming on a journey, we set sail.
Twin Deer Mother notes, the calling of this TRIBE. The land of many waters, come to this holy ride. The cosmic seas are calling you out from within. And there is nothing in our hearts, except to fly. And if we gather with shores of men, remember to pray when you begin, then love will find the tracks, harmony basks, the light that we will follow through, to the land of me and you.
Father Red Hand flows, from the shore to shore he knows. And with his sacred drum, the heart inside says we are one. We must love each other every day, the heart beat knows just what to say. This is the trail. I tell you, we will wail. Come shine my heart this path. Come shine the holy lasting place, the paradise when you smile, light up this place. And I will shine true, the heart of all you do, because love is near. I beat this drum tail. A great tale.
Gifted by Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow
"Dawn Spirit's Flight" by Christy "Goldenwolf" Grandjean. Watercolor and Colored Pencil on 4.5″ X 12″ Bristol Paper. 2010. In memory of Shaman the wolf.
Dawn Spirit's Flight by Christy Goldenwolf Grandjean.jpg
Buffalo Robe for Ali Ce
golden 13, aqua 10, violet 7, gray 14.
Golden Child (13), relationship: Cosmic Father who brings home Brotherhood
Golden Ali Ce is totally motivated by the heart path, the blue road of the heavenly dew. Golden 13 triangulates with Aqua 10 or is harmonic on the blue road (sound waves). Aqua 10 triangulates with Violet 7 or is harmonic on the blue road or heart path. This allows a sort of rolling over, but more like an expression (lighting the way for) others to roll over. This helps them to find a vision or a dream. This is expressed in her sacred song blessing above as well.
Golden child 13 is the expression of brotherhood, meaning one can take the path of greeting of others. Always on the edge of the song ring, seaing (visioning) the center is often clouded, needing others to guide towards self cleansing. A golden child can cleanse through the use of the flute. Trust your heart. A cosmic father (golden child 13) is the orchestra leader, merging all the nations or many children to a combined sound that heals us all. Golden purifies the blue road continuously, never stopping. Often feeling it all, they will walk away to the next meeting. But to stay until the angel wings destroy to bones, to this waiting period (feeling the impurities of the unclean), then to reappearing (cleansed child or one the golden child has just cleansed). Golden children 13 really need guidance from the family structure, when they have lost their centeredness. It is up to those who really care about them to stop them in their tracks and force them to spiritual cleansing, such as the flute and prayers. Then our Father in the House (golden child 13) can once again rule the roost. This is the story of a Father in any household, who in their existence lives through. This is an expression of the true Golden Father 13. Most fathers do not have the tools, such as the Golden Father yet still display Fatherly attributes. In a time that is very confusing for the world, it will depend on the family structure to bring the Father home into the family dynamic. Then the true cosmic father (golden child 13) will be happy, leaning on others, to be happy and part of the greater whole. This is the cosmic dole, each color has it's chore. And the Golden Father in the house, ensures each child finds their way into the colors they display in the cosmic rays.
Aqua 10
Look into the sky and fulfill real-eyes. Dream with me upon the sailing seas. I want to climb to the stars. How about you? Let us find the dew and sail to the other side. We are friends. Come on and catch the rise. We will become the waves in the sky, the tales and wines that promote the place we trail. Let us wail (sing sacred songs).
Violet 7
Around, around, a round. Here we flow. Let us sail and go. Look within and ground your heart to the place where you will start. Bless and pray to find your way, Ten become a star and shine your place. A great spiritual race. We will become the greatness to achieve. We must ask for help, Great Father in the Sky,. guide other eyes sow that they may realize.
Gray 14
Heal the land where we plan. Help the children understand, we need love each and every day. We need love to find our waves. Let the light shine from within, then all will grin. I hope to please your woe, because a dose of prayers will heel the way to guide your soul and grow.
White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums the sacred songs for the colors of our Cosmic Golden Child Ali Ce.
Beloved Cosmic Father, the Golden Child Ali Ce,
To be a woman (physical properties of the red road and visible light spectrum) means balance to the male light of the sun (golden child 13) in the sky that journeys with the stars to return home to the heart of our cosmic family (collective consciousness).
Blue ring to blue ring is one stone (crystalline beings of light) or a spacial field. It is actually square, shaped like a diamond. However because of curving or triangulation (reflective properties) it appears round. The golden cosmic father(13) is one blue ring (one twin of two sun stars to the spiraling galaxy) and wants to join with the other blue ring. This is what brings the journey for the golden child, greeting the next crystalline stone.

To the left, you can see a flight pattern and wings. Because golden 13 crosses diagonally to make the journey across the sacred spacial field. This causes a rotational field or an allowance. It is funny (ironic) because we often think of Fathers giving the children their monthly allowance (flow rate).
In this next section Golden Father Marion teaches us about the path of color golden (13). The actual color for golden (13 is red-yellow (13). Burning bright the SUN (one of two stars of the twin cosmic galaxy) in the sky, it appears golden in color. Making one self visible is through the greeting and joining of hearts among mankind an all nations, including animals and plants, even insects whom all sing to the tune o f the cosmic rings. From mountain circle to to mountain or cosmic blue ring to cosmic blue ring.. Curved next to each other like a spring (water flows once again). Through the sacred bow, the spiraling allows for the path to follow in the sacred journey. This is why the golden child (13) is often revered for the message of brotherhood.
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∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ yellow (3) appears as a dream, 3 dimensional, cubic or geometric all around. Yellow provides an alternative path where dreams appear and are visioned.
high frequency is usually shorter and frequent wave forms.
low frequency is usually a longer and fewer wave forms. ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆
__________ yellow (3) over red (1), this is golden 13. Reading from the stability inwards and upwards, it is red 1, then yellow 3 above. It is not "1 red and 3 yellow", but the connection of 1 red to 3 yellow. This connection is the bridge from one mountain (stone, crystalline form) to the next, creating fellowship along the way. There you will drink from the cup (chalice) of life and enjoy the fruition of brotherhood who share a great meal (break bread) in the great hall. This unification of the heart that feels, creates a divine bridge. Red 1 is fire's light, while crystal 11 is pure light, unseen but illuminating, more like a star. Golden is more like a sun and it's daily trail helps us be guided upon earth from heaven (star beings). While the crystalline star 11 guides us to the united realm of heaven and earth. However if the golden 13 does not call in, all that is Brotherhood, then crystal 11 cannot unite the realm. Thus the calling of Brotherhood must begin with the golden child, Father in the House (13)."

Golden Rings Blue.png
Golden Ali Ce four directions (buffalo robe or sukkah) is golden 13, aqua 10, violet 7, gray 14.
Golden Marion four directions (buffalo robe or sukkah) is golden 13, green 4, blue 5, gray glory 14.
Between the blue ring and next blue ring is the spacial field, called a stone, sukkah, four directions,or crystalline being of light. Just understand it is a spacial cube with angles. Within is the crystal sun (11), the stone diamond of many colors. The white buffalo is the prayer cloth of many colors, meaning together we shine true light. This is the vibrancy that allows the streaming (9 of light waves, red road, mind) and the beaming (4 of sound waves, blue road, heart). It is teh crystal child, who is able to shine all the light and sound waves at once, a radiance. This guides others to do the same. A star is born, a shining light from within.

It is the golden (13) child who brings the dreaming, the distance, the radiance for a trail to follow. A star shines in the sky, a sun gifts to us life, such does our cosmic father, the golden child (13). By the way, the inner most of four directions is the color that offers you the child. Think of it like a clock. Year, Day, Hour and Minute.

t takes many lifetimes to move through this great journey. So the repeating and learning occurs when we bow and use love, allowing ourselves to commune, lean on and becoming part of the whole collective. Because we need every color to make the world go round.
Golden (13) Marion visions through a hoop like this and offers others a trail to follow, the dreamer or color yellow (gold 3). H is like a harbor master who shows others the way through becoming the dream, you are dreaming. It is the green 4 and blue 5 that allows this to happen. Because he is a golden 13 child, his mission is to offer the cosmic trail where the spirit dwells.
This is another view upon others are guided towards through Golden (13) Father Marion (golden 13, green 4, blue 5, gray glory 14) . From the side, the vision of paradise is offered. A place to dive into your dreaming fields, if you remember the great swell, the sines and signs of brotherhood upon our hearts. We break bread and share a meal (shabbat or sabbath), tell stories and of all the glories. We wine a tear in song and make everything woe turn upside down to smiles all a round. This is the greatness of the golden child (13) who helps us to dream across the cosmic fields of many lifetimes to seal it in a good deal, the heart that melts with honor and chivalry, the making of the greatest knight, the man who protects the family and the kingdom.

With you Golden (13) Ali Ce, ( golden 13, aqua 10, violet 7, gray 14). you offer a vision of a great journey, to greet the stars, spiraling journey around in the sky upwards and downwards (spiritual passageway) where all the lights pass by. A collective consciousness. You are more interested in the journey that guides them into spiritual development (7 violet mountain) with others (10 aqua sky).

A note, regarding the Mt. Bachelor image, where light is radiating up to the sky. This is the magenta 9 trail. You will find these radiations from pyramids, often used for tracking celestially. However through time, these calculations can be off slightly (pyramids made by man) and thus the natural substructure to the sky (magenta 9 trail of the red road) offers a better beacon for our celestial travelers. This i why we need all the colors of the rainbow including those not in the visible spectrum.

Thus my beloved Golden Ali Ce, you offer the cosmic trail of the great dreaming (golden 13) with an arm around another (aqua 10, cloud gets over the river of life, troubled waters, as aqua is the leader of men or red road of light waves in the visible spectrum).

You are the angel and this is literal, because all golden 13 spread out and use their angel wings to purify the blue road of sound waves, the visioning or dreaming of the collective consciousness. You offer the spiritual journey on earth to find the glory of the heavenly stars and bring them back to a more healthy view of the world, fortified and able to handle whatever the world throws at them.
Thank you so much for teaching us the difference and manifestation of our colors. Each child has a job. Even our colors show us the path, the vision we hold. It is the sacred buffalo robe (sukkah, temporaty dwelling) that shows us our great tools of light. It is the GREAT NAME, which offers the mission in life. We look forwards to singing your great song, as time gets along. Earning your way towards elders, meaning helping elders out. The more you gift for your gifts, then we are able to receive from each other. This is the true sign and path to brotherhood. We (elders) await the great returning to the Rainbow Clan, all things including man. It is the cosmic trail where we whale (sing our sacred songs down the cosmic eternal rainbow trail) and wail (relieve our woes).
I bow with you across the great view, the cosmic truth.
Your devoted servant, crystal child
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow