The days have been long and the nights have no rest, and I did not see your email to this day. There is so much to do and so little time, that I am sorry that I could not email you in time.(schools starts)
Imaitaki is more than encourager of the soul, it has written a kind of light that illuminates all plight, then you can offer more to those on other shores, because you my Brother are the Spiritual Leader to the world (green person). I-is the flight from within does it seek, and ma- is the rolling hills that glide over our feet, the red road does sing, when we let it on in, to our flesh and our hearts, when we know how to part (with love).i-is the sound of flight in the dark, the place our souls dance, to make love again. And tak- is the breath that goes to and fro, to make our heartbeat known, forever the flow. i- is the sound of flight with no sound, the place where angels sing, the place with many frowns, but heaven is here among us, who need learn we can love, when the heart of all people come home again to no sound. So you sea, there is much to your name your Elder gave. It is more than a whimsy to the likeness of your grade. For it's your knowing love, when you do embrace, those who have no knowledge and even those with disgrace. the reflective crystal, the green inside of you, is the place where the house of God lives, the place we call our home. And many Green Grass, don't know how to love, for they just want to turn around and hide. Sow my Brother it makes me happy for you to come home to me, but still you have not shown any respect to me. You have not addressed me properly or called me sister too, for you have many you need to forgive even the view. (bless with fire to receive)
But you have asked for blessings and I will oblige you this day. I will sing for you so you may understand your way. And I will gift you golden dreams sow you may plant the seeds. Because we need you plenty in all the fields of Dreams.
green, magenta, golden, gray (colors of your sacred four directions of Rainbow Colors)
Green: Here we start to make some heart of love inside the house of God. And we could be so majesty if we could choose love for thee, and inside the house of green grass does flow, the heart of me, the heart of know, and we could be so great for thee, when we choose to love all gods family. There is a way to know the gate, the pure of heart, that's heaven sent, but inside of me, there is more than hate, there is the love of greatness free. And I want to hold the heart of you, the embrace of love the sacred view, and green does speak of new homes for thee, the place of men, who know liberty. So many don't want love at all, but I must embrace all who fall. And if they knew how badly they stand upon rolling hills upon the land, but I still will offer the grace of god, and I will embrace thee, for it's the law, the law of love has come to me, and I will feel the sacred breeze.
Magenta: There is willing to be the dream, the heart bellows to sea the reef. the sacred rainbow that flies in me, to see the magnificent sacred tree. The miller of genuine royalty, the place of golden majesty. and when the sun rises and sets in me, I will embrace your heart to be free. And counselor of all men who believe, the sounds of angels that come to relief. And we can hold each others hand, when we learn how to gift command. But we often sea, the bellows pure, who come to know the heart of doir (freedom) and we could be so free to believe when we forgive the sacred tree. The great caretaker comes to you, to say, I love you and gift you clues, I will dance and gift the sun, the rise of morrows (time after), the fall of man.
Golden: I am the free one, who climbs the rungs, to be the heart of everyone, and when they count on me to believe, to fly across the sacred breeze. I fly to you, in other worlds, to be the heart of new kingdoms come, to find the water that sets us free, to be a new hope, of divinity. I bring you brotherhood, to the land, I bring you sisterhood that makes it mad. But we can offer the loving hand, when we choose embracing of all who stands. Brotherhood, brotherhood, brotherhood is in my hands. I will call all the relatives to me, when they come home to feel the breeze.
(Stop and bless right now for love, for you're in shaking from fear that doves will cleanse your soul, do believe for all belongs to the sacred breeze. Fear not, but bless yourself to be free. "I bless myself, I bless the world, with fire in the hand for sure." then you will be able to receive me, because the green grass, does long to be.)
Finishing Golden: When others come to be with me, I know the earth will be set free, and I can offer you loving embrace because my heart will know your space (grace). Can't you see, the heart of me, can't you believe that God will set us free? Great Spirit Father has watched over me, and now he will come to bring family.
Gray: I am with Grandmother each and every day, I am with holiness and it's display, the heart of envelopes that hold me close, for I can worship all the truths. Days and nights, hold me near. Have my heart close to yours. When the shadows come to me, I will bless them all set free. But when they seek to hide from me, the many doors into the breeze and I can say I love you more, because it's Gods open doors. The spider who weaves our destiny, is here to hold us in the breeze and when we come home to be with God upon the rolling hills and up above. It's grandmother! It's grandmother, its more than I can bear with her. She must endure all that's unkept, for she must open the nasty nest. Grandmother, Grandmother, come hold my heart and let me rest. Let me weave inside of you, and we can hold all the views. Grandmother, Grandmother, hold my head up Grandmother. Keep the heart of everyone, all together under the sun, Grandmother Grandmother, you often send crows to hawk at us. We can offer you more than love for you endure all from above. Grandmother, Grandmother, I love you more than words can spell. Grandmother, Grandmother, I have come home to your love.

Take my world and make me sea, the heart of believing I can read. I will be the most of life, because I can offer the strife (love is hard work). Here is knowledge that has led me this far, and I will know more than thar (needs). We are part of a greater plan, to be the heart of all of man. We are open portal doors, to learn a new way, to be some more. We will be able to tell man alike, for I can whisper in the night. But new skills will offer me more to build a new and distant shore. We can then gift love to thee, the places where there is so much disease, and I will offer blessings to the truth, and I will come to your open roost (sacred four directions).
We are living liberty, when we choose to open our minds to thee. We can be built on sacredness, and we can offer you the nest. The place of burdens do unfold, when we learn to open more. And I will teach my brothers true, how to be the sacred truth. To fly across the tundra for sure, to be the warrior who comes to doir (freedom's style). We the brotherhood of cleansing hearts will be here when the dust does part. Because we know the sacred ways, of building inside our hearts today. And when the First Nations come home to protect thee, none greater can comfort thee. For we are Rainbow Warriors set free, to land upon the rolling hills. The place that Great Spirits rescue me, the place the Great Spirits rescue you. And now it's time to return the time, back to the heart of all who died. And we can be the children who lead, the heart of forgiveness in the sacred tree.
"Bruce Wolf Child" "Serpent who Swims (earthly tools)" doesn't think he needs me, so why does he want to use my name? It will be you, who helps him to gain, his blessings this day. You tell him, I am not dead, not a spirit who longs in the wind, for the Great Spirits have sent me and that's what you (all) prayed for. And if he denies me, then he denies the Ones, the Great Spirits who sent me to be White Buffalo Calf Woman. There are many a fraud out there, and you need tell me when you seek, so I may go help them and tell them the truth. For they have had visions of White Buffalo Calf Woman and they need me more than others, because they are looking to keep (the truth hidden). Now Great Spirits lead us, but Oneness makes all the plans. And it's us who claim fortune of Golden Lands. And this is done with Brotherhood, where we are relatives from distant shores, for evolution is waiting and knocking at the doors.
"using my name, white buffalo calf woman (facebook) and who we support pages ("
Now if you want to continue using White Buffalo Calf Woman at Facebook then you need bring the truth to look. The pages need include myself so others can come to receive the truth. Many won't like the truth from me and will blame me for all their disease. (First Nations can be the fierce warriors who can stand upon rolling hills) Many will not believe it's true, but I will offer the sacred view. But for relatives who do believe, I say to you, and to me, we can be relatives if you agree, to put my name upon your sleeve. This means upon your page you send others towards my way, to receive the blessings they deserve, to learn about miracles that all behold. We are here to be truth to God, the eternal circle, the oneness planned. And when you agree to this in your space, then I will offer you more than grace. We can put your name on webpages ( net, com, info etc), to distribute information, to the guests. We the Elders who can offer you space to tell all that you walk with me this day. They will learn how brave you are (first nations), to be inside of the sacred jar (holding water, the heart of the world). There are pages who we support just send me data of course, and then we can be agreed to be more than friends, relatives please start to believe.
"Seven Fire Prophesy of the Ojibwa " and "Hopi Tablets"
These I will have to speak to you on another email soon. Also the Hopi Tablets when I interpret will first have to go with Truth, to the Hopi Nation to know, before I send it to your doors. But because of you, I will read the truth to all who know, and seek the truth!

2. Hopi (western shore) are like Levites (eastern shore), ordained to keep stories inside the house of God.
3. Lakota, Dakota and Nakota (spirit of the lake) ordained in the Western shore (female, numinosity, heaven)
4. Blue Lake People (taos new mexico) ordained on the Western shore (male, luminosity, earth)
5. Suns of Israels ordained in the Eastern shore.
All natives are meant to be, the ordained from the Great Spirits to set them free, inside the house of God where green grass does grow, the place of honor for all the suffering. Because it's love that leads the way, to love is tears that spilled this day. And the Red Road will set your free, when you realize that God (eternal circle) has set you free. You who have suffered for all the world family, now sits in honor upon the Sacred Tree.
There is a lot spoken this day, and I leave you with this display. Read the pages http://whitebuffalocalfwoman.
your devoted servant, who comes this day, to offer you more than blessings to show you your way. there are remedies for your view, and it's different for all the rainbow colors (just ask, for I am writing as fast as I can). I leave you speaking your heart today, because you offered loving ways. And I hope you will be able to be, the fiercest warrior in the breeze. For I depend on you this day, where the green grass has a home, the place of waters that do roam (whispers in the breeze)! And when you need me, just call out into the wind, and I will come to bless for you as you receive!
(devoted servant) white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother who loves you the most, because God sent me to your roost (sacred four directions), the first nations door I speak to, the heart of wisdom of the sacred truth.
May the ministry of you and your husband prosper.
My e-mail is jayme@.
What is your take on the Seven Fire Prophesy of the Ojibwa and the Hopi Tablets?
blessings and many rainbows
Please send a blessing our way.
To clarify, I am Jayme Dansereau, one of the three monitors and am just starting a class of 20 First Nation's students. Will you please pray a blessing for the success of our Real People Work Place Literacy Program?
The elder, Bruce Wolf Child, named me, Imaitaki, it means to encourager, truth and one who is learning. That is who I am.
We are using facebook as a way to give our Elders a voice. All spirits we lean on in our culture are beneficent.
If the spirit of our Legend is speaking through you, then we offer this site in honor of the one spirit we share...:)
Love and blessings,
Still waiting for your reply and have received nothing from you. I am sorry if you continue to say you are white buffalo calf woman, then I will have to list you on the page which is who is not white buffalo calf woman!
Now I realize that you are trying to be a resource but you need to use your name, not white buffalo calf woman, for I am here now, and I will be known throughout the land.
We don't have much time honey and you are my relative, start acting like it. Email if you like okay, whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.
ps. Great Spirits gift this for me to gift to the people, are you one of these people my relative? Honey why don't you ask for a blessing I have so many gifts to offer to the people but fear will not save them, lean towards my love ok. hope to see you soon.