Crystal Indigo Children
"Express your unique color-robe - shine your light around the globe ***" says, Cup of God who glows.

Hello family of God, We are all learning to become the Perfection within each of us. We know the world is changing and our souls want to fly. But how? And what is our mission? Your "Garment of Lights" gives you all these answers, known as your "Sacred Four Directions" or the "Buffalo Robe". Join us and learn from the Elders who will follow you home... and teach you about yourself. Aho, which means, "May Your Spirit Fly!"

Blessed Bee (Cup of God said): Shavah to the Great Sun within - may creation of heaven on earth begin - let's bow and bless - purify the mess - so we can officially confess - we are children of the Rainbow clan - living according to the divine plan - sending my love to you - asking you to share your point of view - AHO - may your spirit fly - Cup of GoD , Magenta halls of consciousness, Rainbow Warrior

Indigo Crystal Children - Community - Google+

Circles on Google+, Facebook and Google groups

Hoop 6!forum/indigocrystalchildren

Terms Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow Clan

Indigo is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body, multi-colored each of us have. We can all fly, when we dream. The Indigo child is often a prophet and great teacher who lives with visions and conflict. Most of us do not live our lives like this. Indigo represents our Soul body. An Indigo child is a Great Warrior and brings to us the inner reflection towards truth! They inspire you to enter your Vision Quest. Indigo (perfect soul body)

Crystal is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the Physical Body,a powerful and loving being who gifts,the actions of your dream. The Crystal person is reader of the book of life, the sacred four directions, who speaks directly with God and interprets the absolute truth. Crystal represents our Physical body. Most of us do no live our lives like this. Crystal represents our Physical body. A Crystal child is a Great Warrior and brings peace through the lesson. They inspire you to become your dream of love and peace, what we often call happiness! Crystal (perfect physical body)

The Rainbow Clan are the Sacred Multi-Colored Auras of the Blue in You and Me, our Relation or family. Each of us carry Four Sacred Directions. The Circle of Colors, the Rainbow reflects off the Ocean Blue. Born from these lights We are Perfect Children Within. Each of us carry a Dream seeking Love. The Path we follow are the Four Sacred Directions Written in our Garment of Lights called the "Buffalo Robe". We belong to the Rainbow Clan. These unseen colors guide us towards our mission. This is written in your Sacred Garment of Lights, the Holy Temple, where Truth is written in the Book of Life! Only a Crystal child can read this Book of Life clearly.

Embracing and attaining spiritual knowledge (seeking) and allowing the directional flowing (ebb and flow) of the eternal ages Reveals Greatness. A Light From Within. We are the Reflection of our Blue oceans and sky.Water provide us with all that life offers in Unity! Spiritual Warriors are born to be Perfect Blessings

Email to ask for your rainbow colors, the four sacred directions of your rainbow (buffalo robe), the body of lights often referred to as auras, however, only a crystal person, can read these colors correctly as colors cross over each other and it gets very confusing. White Buffalo Calf Woman is an Elder Crystal child, who is happy to read your four sacred directions as part of the great give-a-way, the blessings from G_ah_d (utterance of heavenly transmission) or the Divine of "I am" and "I am part of the Greater Universe of the Whole Oneness". Blessings upon your deeds today!

Blessed Bee (Cup of God said): Yes, that's true - and you White Buffalo Calf Woman knew - that out of the blue - pure joy I wheel feel - now that the Rainbow Trail revealed is and real. While bowing I bless - purifying the mess - nine streams and four beams - we all share the same dreams. Love is the theme and regime - Rainbow tribe team wear thy Buffalo Robe with self-esteem. ~~~ Cup of GoD (Magenta halls of consciousness) - again I bow and bless!

Understanding the Rainbow Fields

16 Colors that Walk and Talk on Mother Earth, the Rainbow Clan (links will be added to colors, check back periodically)
Each child wears four directions in rainbow colors called the buffalo robe, the prayer cloth of many colors.

Warning: Relatives, This image and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE),, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

1. color red
Sixth Sun-Red child; Frequency 1, red robe
2. color orange
Fifth Daughter-Orange child; Frequency 2,
3. color yellow (bright yellow, like 24k gold, element)
Fifth Sun-Yellow child; Frequency 3,
4. color green
Fourth Daughter-Green child; Frequency 4,
5. color blue
Fourth Sun-Blue child; Frequency 5,
6. color indigo
Third Daughter-Indigo child; Frequency 6,
7. color violet (purple)
Third Sun-Violet child (color purple); Frequency 7,
8. color lavender (middle earth color, the gate in/out of paradise), red robe
Second Daughter-Lavender child; Frequency 8,
9. color magenta (middle earth color, pinks)
Second Sun-Magenta child (color pinks); Frequency 9, red robe
10. color aqua (middle earth color, sky blue)
Eldest Daughter-Aqua child (color sky blues); Frequency 10 (true color red-flows and completes the circle),
11. color crystal (mirror to soul, diamond, pearl, pure light)
Eldest Cosmic/heavenly Sun-Crystal child (color pearl, diamond, clear, pure light); Frequency 11 (true color red-red),
12.a. color silver (light gray, mirror to sole, reflection of light particles, element)
Cosmic/heavenly Woman (yearning devotion) - Silver child (color cut gems, shards of light and it's electromagnetic state); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
12.b. color rainbow (revolving rainbow colors, dark red), red robe
Cosmic/heavenly Mother(earnest devotion) - Rainbow child
(color, revolving colors and reverberation); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
13. color golden (dark yellow, like 14k gold, combined elements)
Cosmic/heavenly Father-Golden child; Frequency 13 (true color red-yellow),
14. color gray (dark gray)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandmother-Gray child; Frequency 14 (true color red-green),
15. color white (star)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandfather-White child (color bright star); Frequency 15 (true color red-blue).

Warning: Relatives, This image and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE),, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Search Our Blogs

Relatives, Search Rainbow Colors on these blogs Crystal-Indigo-Children and Sacred Song Blessings, as well as blogs linked to our pages through the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Take the time to read these articles posted below to understand the Rainbow Fields. Thank you. Ask White Buffalo Calf Woman for your four rainbow colors (buffalo robe)

Greetings beloved Relatives, I bow to You Tdm Wbcw bless your heart and all who are a part of this magnificent creation of elation through the tears and the fears we can all find the cheers when we let love in the sadness it clears ~ sparkling crystals appear in our heart to share for all those who care lend an ear you are dear / deer Blessings to all relations across the nation I Love You, Grandmother Walks on Stones (
Nicole Swan Ministryoftheheart)

Recommended Reading to understand Children of Light: 12112013 The Holy Spirit Inside You, the Ghost Dancer in the Buffalo Fields: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)

Recommended Reading to understand Spacial fields or Relativity, all our relatives: 11122013 SUN's LIGHT and MOTHER RAINBOW, the Field (11/12 the Field/s): Swimming Ice Blowing in the Wind
11132013 Field of Paradise: Swimming Ice Blowing in the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)
1114013 White Buffalo in the Wind: Swimming Ice Blowing in the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)
11152013 If I Can Follow Through To You: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)
12172013 Revelation Fields: Swimming Ice Blowing In the Wind (snow, crystalline stones, suns)


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Rainbow Tribe, A Place to Grow, Colors to Glow, a Buffalo Stone

Katy Keel Avatar.jpg
On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:10 PM, katy k wrote:

Dear White Buffalo Calf Woman

I came across your site and it feels very peaceful and beautiful. Please tell me what colours you see with me.

Thank you,

Blessings Be
Katy Keel

On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 1:06 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother wrote:

Sister Katy Keel,
Received your request for your sacred buffalo robe, four directions in colors.

You could join us at a circle 

google+ circle
facebook circle (weekly visit)
This will help us stay in contact. 

Your devoted Sister, love and blessings.
White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder crystal child
(buffalo robe: crystal, yellow, green, gray) angel services around the world

September 29, 2015 White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother replies

Eternal Elegance by Artist Victoria Moore.jpg
Golden (cosmic father) Katy Keel sacred buffalo robe, four directions in colors. The sacred white buffalo is the prayer cloth of many colors. Everyone and everything wears one, unseen or seen. It is manifested in unseen frequencies that vibrate in colors. When we pray and bless, we cleanse up the mess and find a harmonic vibration that surrounds one self. To understand more about perspective among all of the Relations, the sacred buffalo robe gifts and validates the perfection of each child in the universe. This is from the vibration, the sacred buffalo robe, her temporary dwelling (soul lives in the sole, sukkah) that she wears in the world that surrounds her and as her part in the whole of the collective shared dreaming spacial fields.

Buffalo Robe (buffalo stone) for Golden Katy Keel: golden 13 (child, inner most color), aqua 10, magenta 9, gray (this order).

Golden 13 (golden child, socket, turn the eyes),  Aqua 10 (eldest sister overlay, water rises), Magenta 9 (second sun overlay, light falls), Gray 14 (grandmother gray glory overlay, shade).

Golden 13 is the cosmic father, who purifies the inner darkness of the blue road, where the waters of the cosmic streams flow. Golden need purify self with a sacred flute for at least an hour a day. And when that is not kept fully, let it be known, that the call of the golden child, will fill the whole room with light and cosmic sight. Yet will deliver self in plight, it is imperative that self purification through the sacred fluting will cleanse and purify the inside of the self of the golden child. An hour of a day with a wind instrument will help purify and help return back to self. Usually Rainbow 12 is near as they represent the cosmic mother. If they are willing to guide the golden child back to self, including their own inner eyes, because it is rainbow colored. This relieves the impurities they cleanse of others. Father in the House. Better turn about, because it is time to cleanse and make everyone friends.

Magenta is the red robe: One of four colors wear the red robe. This means those who wear the red robe, red 1, lavender 8, magenta 9 and rainbow 12, all receive lessons. People will clash with them, because there is a knowing to go to one of these people (red robes) for help. However often people do not understand this, and frequently disharmony is created. It is important to trust the red robe to help you, to guide you. And that red robe people remember who they are, when others come to them for help, no matter what the conflict may be. Magenta is the river falls of light. All the colors streams, good and bad, meaning pure and impurities all flow there. And to cleanse this place, magenta 9 must dance, sing and drum for at least an hour a day, even the overlay magenta color like Golden Katy. Because if they do not, what will be the opposite will become the unwanted lesson. One must be prepared to help others, by gifting self in purification, through dance, song and drum. Only magenta must do all three at once. They must trust they know how.

Kokopelli Music Moon Native American style blue night Art southwest
Flute Music Starry Night by Kathatart.jpg
Now, Golden Katy is a golden child. This means an hour a day in fluting to relieve this exchanging and purification of others, to cleanse self, otherwise, the good child turns into the impure child. This type of exchange also happens with the lavender child 8. They cleanse the outer light, while the golden 13 cleanses the inner light. There is an exchange. Both of these colors are considered eagle behavior. Golden is the sign of brotherhood, while lavender is the sign of holiness. We need both.

And aqua to relieve it self must meditate an hour a day, to hear the sacred rays, the stars within. Aqua is the leader of the light, yet lacks sight unless an hour a day in meditation leads them to the stars within the dark. Aqua is the only color that wears BLACK, within. This helps them to sea the stars within, but they must look through daily meditation.

Okay, look this is very difficult to bless and pray and cleanse our rays, however for golden Katy Keel, it is so much spiritual work daily to overcome and purify self in order to help others the way they may need.

Prescription: golden 13 one hour a day fluting, calling the animals, calling the world home to brotherhood. aqua 10 one hour a day in mediation, to find the stars to guide others home. magenta 9 red robe, one hour a day in dance, song and drumming, all together. This is a prescription for a party, a gathering, and every single day. This is not easy, for each to spend daily time in spiritual awareness, but with our Golden Katy Keel, it is imperative this daily work be done, to cleanse the inner sun.

Magenta 9 is the river of light, outwardly. Golden 13 cleanses inwardly. And this means, outwardly is impure. Inwardly gets impure. And all around, the sky of the aqua 10 must lead and without the inward and outwards, purified, there is much heart ache and distress in daily affairs. Being blinded by the light, both inwards and outwardly is a great difficulty for such a person. Golden Katy must work diligently to prove herself worthy to those who are close and near her heart. She must do these daily 3 hours of practice to ensure those she loves will get the best of her, rather than the impurities that flow through her.

Vassoietto dipinto a mano.jpg
In a world where everyone blesses and prays, with a great amount of joy dancing and song, then we would all be in a good way. But until that day, we must all work to try to become holy people, to guide others homewards towards each other. Let us hear the heart of the golden child, Katy Keel and her four directions colors she wears.

Golden 13: 
Look at my heart today. I want to send my love your way. We are the people, we are the suns. Let us learn how to run. Take my hand and will be fortified. We will long to have good eyes. Seek and return home. Seek and return home. Seek and return home, to the other side. And we will rock to and fro to know, the sacred hills and the land of the rainbow. We will dream, through those streams. 

Aqua 10:
Thunder skies hear my eyes. I want to realize. All the daze, fill my rays. I want to know, how to build a rainbow. Send a horn. Feel it warm, all the skies above my eyes. I want to share this good ride. I want to share this place where we collide. Come and bow and around we stone, all the crystalline rainbow glow. We are born of this dew, come and work like a sleuth. Shine your heart today. Make a good cosmic ray. We will be delivered true, when we are hands of love in the blue. Come and take a ride, across the miracles we cry. We are the holy dew inside. Just hold on tight. 

Magenta 9:
When the colors climb to the top, there I feel almost lost. All must flow downwards, where we bend to ensure, the plains once again. Tree of life come close to me. I want to watch the river of bees. We could climb to the rainbow on the other side, first I must come close to my cries. I am dancing on my feet. I am dancing to the beat. I am red robe, where all will chose. And if we could only learn to cry, a holy willingness in our eyes, we will find, a place where paradise binds. We are together once again.

Call of Brother, the Golden Angels.jpg
Gray 14:
Look at me, I am in a dream. Look at me I am in a dream. I can hear the heart beat. I can feel the ground sweep. Look at me and the willingness to cry. All the songs want to pour from my eyes. I will share it with you, with my blanket of love coming through. Let me sing this song for you, to show you, we will be blooming through. There is a sailing, across our dreams. There is a wailing, the cries that bring us near. There is waking of the dawning of a song. I can tell you truly you want to get along. So tell me your Grandmother eyes, got to fill up the skies. And when you are down and out, the tears are pouring down to shout, "I need you. I need you. I need you. Come on home to me". And when we are rising up this day. Come be faithful in your rays. We will be there, when you need a stare. We will dream in the air.

Golden is trine to aqua, an ability to look at each other (diagonal path) and communicate clearly. Magenta supports aqua, thus the support structure holds the ring open, allowing for the flowing river to chime. One must participate to all the rhythm and the rhymes.

Sacred Song Blessing up to date, a year on the plate, paradise awaits.

The drum beat sounded so depressing. So we stopped and having Holiness David, a lavender child, going over to clean up all that light inside of Golden Cosmic Katy Keel. Then we will start the song once again, to help her guidance (her story she tales) in the winds. A lot of light, very bright, but very impure, because she carries the river both inside (golden 13) and outside (magenta 9). Golden cleanses inside, not outside. So she needs outside assistance. This is why Holiness David, is helping to cleanse up the impurities, by cleaning up the outside light (magenta 9) and the impurities gathered by the inside light (golden 13). Golden 13 can clean up lavender 8. And lavender 8 can clean up golden 13. But working together is not always easy and must be done in cooperation. Because we are aware of the cosmic colors that is worn, we are helping in the winds, to ease the tensions in our Golden Katy Keel. She is aware, like many children of the cosmos (crystal 11 through white 15 colors, as they are children of the spiritual age).  And then she must make sure to endure three hours a day of cleansing to purify her heart, eyes and body, to become steady.

Thank you that is better" saying to Holiness David from White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Photographer Lincoln Harrison continues to amaze us with his
 extensive collection of surreal Startrails.jpg
Look at Me. Feel Me in the Breeze.

Look at my feet I want to dance so sweet. Look my feet. I want to dance with you. Look at my feet. I want to dance with the view. All of paradise, come close to me. I will show you about brotherhood. I will show you. I will show you, just how to get on through. I will show you. Just look at my heart today. I can feel the sad whales. And they know all of the tales, across the seas. Let us vision gallantly. Look at my feet today. I will dance upon these good rays. I will send my heart in tune, to the after moon to cry in the winds. And when you are shattered in the moon light, let me show you how to have a good fight. We will be sending love, to you in the form of doves. Peace among all men. 

Where the start is finished, let us grimace. We must take charge of our lives, just in time to relieve this plight. All  of my Brothers and Sisters tell me true, we have much to do. And when we are acting like we are children how can we overcome in the winds. We must learn to sail again. Look into my heart, we will sail. Look into my heart we will wail. Look into my heart today, brotherhood will save our rays. And when the sun shines in our hearts. We will make hold of this holy ark. we will be sailing true blue, Because I love you true. All of my temperament, will shine forth like we are the lent. We will rise up like the suns, forever we are the ones. 

Take hold of this time, we are looking for the shadows that bind. We are the children longing to grow up and find a shelter we are proud of. Mother Earth needs our love. We will tend her every care, because then we will all be aware. Come and show us the way, how to bring home the good rays. We are dreaming like the suns and moons. We are the daughters that will loom. We are the diamonds in the sky. Come towards my eyes. Turn this way, turn that way. Look all around and we will find our waves. We will be sailing like the Earth we sing, to make our hearts feel like mighty rings. Come and sail with me today. Come and sail forever and a ray. The sun is shining in the dew, and my heart holds the great knews. 

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings for me, I can tell she is in the breeze. I can feel the drumming too, where Holiness David got a clue. I say my heart is on fire. I am your golden child relieving the mire. You and me, we seek, a battle where we will weep. Cosmic dreaming. Katy Keel is by your side. Cosmic dreaming. I will hold you close to my eyes. Cosmic dreaming I will be there, to hold you when you are in fear. My heart will guide you close to me, because I will be there in the trees. We are on this plane, the land of the holy and the famed. We will shine true blue. We will shine with you. We will be brotherhood. 

Gifted by Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow

Capturing the dream by turning the eyes, side to side. Allowing for the vision of the dreaming. Golden Katy Keel teaches us, to view the collective dreaming, take a look all around and hear the land all around.

A year ago ... a Place to Grow. 

Image: "The first peace which is the most important is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all it's powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us." Black Elk, Oglala Sioux.

A Place to Grow (a year ago)

Listen to the butterflies fly. Listen to the rain fall. Listen to the drum of your heart, there we find a place to start. Listen to the waking of the breeze. Listen to the harmony. Listen to the halls of kingdom come. Listen to everyone.

Relatives of the snow. Listen to all your heart will grow. Relatives around the world, we needed more than what we know, we need a collective show. We need for harmony to grow.

When others do not find the way, we must show them exactly how to praise. And when others do not find a home in their hearts, we must show them how to be a royal arc. And when others do not find a place to play, we must teach them how to dance and sing on their waves. We are moving to take this home to you. We are sharing the land of the mighty hues.

Tell the people we are going home, no matter where we are, we are the royal stones. We are dreaming for a land that is pure, to make our long hair (light streams) know the waves. Tell the world we are making a grave, for those who lost their way. We will plant their souls along the ridge for them to hold on tightly and shine it brightly. And when they rise once more, they will find a place of open doors. We are making all gentlemen. We are making men to alleviate their sins.

Let love shine forwards today. Let love shine for a brand new wave. Let love shine to bring us home, to bring in happy tones. We are driven to the ends of the world. We are driven to bring us to this heard, the place where magic is known, the place inside where our hearts are stone (star of David, crystalline beings of light). Beings of light are we who are mortified, help us to find very good eyes. Help us to dream a better dream. Help us to find a way to become a beam (four directions of light from within). We are dreaming for everyone. We are dreaming for the suns. We are dreaming for a better day to heal our happy waves.

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums from the heart of Sister Katy K.

Gifted by Alightfromwithin.Org Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise

On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 2:13 PM, Katy Keel wrote:
Dear White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums

Thank you for this song! It really touches my heart. I feel something very beautiful. I would like to share a song with you, that I wrote many years ago when I first learned of the Rainbow Tribe.

Rainbow Tribe by Sister Katy Keel (attached below)
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy google+ circle
October 18, 2015 at 2:22pm

LarryLinda McKibbin: Beautiful.
October 19, 2015 at 3:22pm

Rainbow Tribe.jpg
Rainbow Tribe by Katy Keel

From all corners of the earth
The dancers will come
Who see another view
Though different we dance to the same drum
In truth we are in tune

Different roots, different colours
We know we are one people
Many strands, and many hands
To weave the tapestry

Rainbow tribe
The day is dawning
Rainbow tribe
The dream is calling
Rainbow tribe
The smoke is clearing
Rainbow tribe the time is now

From the North and from the South
From the East and the West
A new tribe will arise
Our grievances we've laid to rest
We're seeing with new eyes

Different roots, different colours
We know we are one people
Many lands and many hands
To make the story whole

Rainbow tribe
The day is dawning
Rainbow tribe
The dream is calling
Rainbow tribe
The smoke is clearing
Rainbow tribe the time is now

Though the journey may be far
The jewel that we seek
Will always be right here
No need to search, no need to even speak
The beauty is so clear

Rainbow tribe
The day is dawning
Rainbow tribe
The dream is calling
Rainbow tribe
The smoke is clearing
Rainbow tribe the time is now

We are the rainbow, we are the rainbow, we are the rainbow tribe
We are the rainbow, we are the rainbow, we are the rainbow tribe
We are the rainbow, we are the rainbow, we are the rainbow tribe

Much love & blessings
Thank you

Katy x

On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 2:13 PM, Katy Keel wrote:
Dear White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums

Thank you for this song! It really touches my heart. I feel something very beautiful. I would like to share a song with you, that I wrote many years ago when I first learned of the Rainbow Tribe.

responding to this song -
A Place to Grow
Indigo Crystal Children with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
image: Rapture by Chrissie Cool

Extra reading for Golden Katy Keel

Four Directions I Will Dance My Living Prayer For You
(My Heart is Awake, the Divine Coal That Will Shape the Living Flame)
Knews and Visions Circle with White Buffalo Calf Woman

The crystalline rainbow that lives in you, the heart of all that living is the part of the truth, it's only the reflection that gifts us the light, the wondrous journey we sing in strife, but we would have no other way, to enjoy all the beloved sacred displays! Welcome home Sacred Rainbow, where you shine all day, and nights bring the stars the emanate all grays (hear we go in Grandmother Space, weaving the Rainbow). White Buffalo Calf Woman sings.

Blessings To and Fro, Nine Streams We Do Go!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

The crystalline rainbow that lives in you, the heart of all that living is the part of the truth, it's only the reflection that gifts us the light, the wondrous journey we sing in strife, but we would have no other way, to enjoy all the beloved sacred displays! Welcome home Sacred Rainbow, where you shine all day, and nights bring the stars the emanate all grays (hear we go in Grandmother Space, weaving the Rainbow trail).