Crystal Indigo Children "Express your unique color-robe - shine your light around the globe ***" says, Cup of God who glows.
Hello family of God, We are all learning to become the Perfection within each of us. We know the world is changing and our souls want to fly. But how? And what is our mission? Your "Garment of Lights" gives you all these answers, known as your "Sacred Four Directions" or the "Buffalo Robe". Join us and learn from the Elders who will follow you home... and teach you about yourself. Aho, which means, "May Your Spirit Fly!"
Blessed Bee (Cup of Godsaid):Shavah to the Great Sun within - may creation of heaven on earth begin - let's bow and bless - purify the mess - so we can officially confess - we are children of the Rainbow clan - living according to the divine plan - sending my love to you - asking you to share your point of view - AHO - may your spirit fly - Cup of GoD , Magenta halls of consciousness, Rainbow Warrior
Indigo is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body, multi-colored each of us have. We can all fly, when we dream. The Indigo child is often a prophet and great teacher who lives with visions and conflict. Most of us do not live our lives like this. Indigo represents our Soul body. An Indigo child is a Great Warrior and brings to us the inner reflection towards truth! They inspire you to enter your Vision Quest. Indigo (perfect soul body)
Crystal is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the Physical Body,a powerful and loving being who gifts,the actions of your dream. The Crystal person is reader of the book of life, the sacred four directions, who speaks directly with God and interprets the absolute truth. Crystal represents our Physical body. Most of us do no live our lives like this. Crystal represents our Physical body. A Crystal child is a Great Warrior and brings peace through the lesson. They inspire you to become your dream of love and peace, what we often call happiness! Crystal (perfect physical body)
The Rainbow Clan are the Sacred Multi-Colored Auras of the Blue in You and Me, our Relation or family. Each of us carry Four Sacred Directions. The Circle of Colors, the Rainbow reflects off the Ocean Blue. Born from these lights We are Perfect Children Within. Each of us carry a Dream seeking Love. The Path we follow are the Four Sacred Directions Written in our Garment of Lights called the "Buffalo Robe". We belong to the Rainbow Clan. These unseen colors guide us towards our mission. This is written in your Sacred Garment of Lights, the Holy Temple, where Truth is written in the Book of Life! Only a Crystal child can read this Book of Life clearly.
Embracing and attaining spiritual knowledge (seeking) and allowing the directional flowing (ebb and flow) of the eternal ages Reveals Greatness. A Light From Within. We are the Reflection of our Blue oceans and sky.Water provide us with all that life offers in Unity! Spiritual Warriors are born to be Perfect Blessings
Email to ask for your rainbow colors, the four sacred directions of your rainbow (buffalo robe), the body of lights often referred to as auras, however, only a crystal person, can read these colors correctly as colors cross over each other and it gets very confusing. White Buffalo Calf Woman is an Elder Crystal child, who is happy to read your four sacred directions as part of the great give-a-way, the blessings from G_ah_d (utterance of heavenly transmission) or the Divine of "I am" and "I am part of the Greater Universe of the Whole Oneness". Blessings upon your deeds today!
Blessed Bee (Cup of Godsaid): Yes, that's true - and you White Buffalo Calf Woman knew - that out of the blue - pure joy I wheel feel - now that the Rainbow Trail revealed is and real. While bowing I bless - purifying the mess - nine streams and four beams - we all share the same dreams. Love is the theme and regime - Rainbow tribe team wear thy Buffalo Robe with self-esteem. ~~~ Cup of GoD (Magenta halls of consciousness) - again I bow and bless!
Understanding the Rainbow Fields
16 Colors that Walk and Talk on Mother Earth, the Rainbow Clan (links will be added to colors, check back periodically)
Each child wears four directions in rainbow colors called the buffalo robe, the prayer cloth of many colors.
Warning: Relatives, This image and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE),, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
1. color red
Sixth Sun-Red child; Frequency1, red robe
2. color orange
Fifth Daughter-Orange child; Frequency 2,
3. color yellow (bright yellow, like 24k gold, element)
Fifth Sun-Yellow child; Frequency3,
4. color green
Fourth Daughter-Green child; Frequency 4,
5. color blue
Fourth Sun-Blue child; Frequency 5,
6. color indigo
Third Daughter-Indigo child; Frequency 6,
7. color violet (purple)
Third Sun-Violet child (color purple); Frequency7,
8. color lavender (middle earth color, the gate in/out of paradise), red robe
Second Daughter-Lavender child; Frequency 8,
9. color magenta (middle earth color, pinks)
Second Sun-Magenta child (color pinks); Frequency 9, red robe
10. color aqua (middle earth color, sky blue)
Eldest Daughter-Aqua child (color sky blues); Frequency 10 (true color red-flows and completes the circle),
11. color crystal (mirror to soul, diamond, pearl, pure light)
Eldest Cosmic/heavenly Sun-Crystal child (color pearl, diamond, clear, pure light); Frequency 11 (true color red-red),
12.a. color silver (light gray, mirror to sole, reflection of light particles, element)
Cosmic/heavenly Woman (yearning devotion) - Silver child (color cut gems, shards of light and it's electromagnetic state); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
12.b. color rainbow (revolving rainbow colors, dark red), red robe Cosmic/heavenly Mother(earnest devotion) - Rainbow child (color, revolving colors and reverberation); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
13. color golden (dark yellow, like 14k gold, combined elements)
Cosmic/heavenly Father-Golden child; Frequency 13 (true color red-yellow),
14. color gray (dark gray)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandmother-Gray child; Frequency 14 (true color red-green),
15. color white (star)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandfather-White child (color bright star); Frequency 15 (true color red-blue).
Warning: Relatives, This image and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE),, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Search Our Blogs
Relatives, Search Rainbow Colors on these blogs Crystal-Indigo-Children and Sacred Song Blessings, as well as blogs linked to our pages through the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Take the time to read these articles posted below to understand the Rainbow Fields. Thank you. Ask White Buffalo Calf Woman for your four rainbow colors (buffalo robe)
Greetings beloved Relatives, I bow to You Tdm Wbcw bless your heart and all who are a part of this magnificent creation of elation through the tears and the fears we can all find the cheers when we let love in the sadness it clears ~ sparkling crystals appear in our heart to share for all those who care lend an ear you are dear / deer Blessings to all relations across the nation I Love You, Grandmother Walks on Stones (Nicole Swan Ministryoftheheart)
Star Trails in the North Image Credit; Copyright:P-M Hedén (Clear Skies, TWAN)
Explanation: Pointing skyward, the wall of this ruined Viking church still stands after a thousand winters, near the town of Vallentuna, Sweden. The time exposure records the scene on December 14th as stars leave graceful arcing trails during a long night, reflecting planet Earth's daily rotation on its axis. The Earth's axis points toward Polaris, the North Star, near the center of the concentric trails. Welcomed by skygazers on this winter's night, a bright meteor from the annual Geminid meteor shower also flashes through the frame. The meteor cuts across the star trails just above the lower church wall. Contributing to the beautiful composition, meteor streak and church apex both gesture toward the North Celestial Pole.
Aho Relatives on the Hoops,
The Gray Child holds us together. Blue/Black to White to Black to White, you will find it to be grayness, where most of our dreams lie within and our heart vision allows us to sea into the heavenly winds. These elliptical patterns or circular star patterns in the night sky (image 1. Glory of Stars) help us to show the trolley or the cart of many streams. The Gray child or Grandmother is pulling us along. Through movement of the circle (0 or zero) a holding pattern is formed. Airplane pilots do this when the radio tower says, "Wait". The pilot circles round and round until they can land. The Eagle and many other birds also take these holding patterns to pick up speed. Here in the image the patterns going around only occur because we are on the earth's axis. From above and below the winds do blow. This means we all carry four sacred directions in rainbow colors and two sides where the winds blow. In this image Glory of Stars, the universe validates the incoming winds of our dreams. Only one directional, but we got to remember the other side (image 2.). This images shows us the reflection of our world, what is up is also down. We reflect off each other object. An Indigo child, Spirit Jumper said, "All is connected by yellow streams of light, in triangles. Everything!" This is because a triangle allows light to reflect or bounce off it, to produce gleaming.
Image 2. Man and Reflection in Rainbow Colors
The wind tunnels are the elliptical patterns that allow us to be bonded to each other. Our souls fly through these portals going to and fro, feeling crashing waves and moments of streaming harmony. Remember that through the motion of the spiraling snake, one is able to move along the dream continuum (the journey). With each lesson, the stepping stone (crystal) allows us to cultivate the knowledge to spiral towards the center and into the abyss of heavenly space. We are guided by the songs of the day, where our hearts are enraged or feeling a whim. It's time like these, we hang on tight to Grandmother's leaves (relatives) and peace will find us again, when tears drop into the winds. The blessings of the fire and water combines to create smoke, the trailing universe, will hold us to the wind. The gust will show us the way, when we remember to pray.
Image 3. Spiraling
Grandmothers everywhere we honor you with your glory, for the gray child knows, when it's about time, to lean on love in the winds.
In image 3. Spiraling, this axis allows us to spiral without stopping, one crystalline stone after another. Never broken or unending, but always moving towards the center of the world, where ever this world may bee (dreampt). We are all crystalline beings of light. This means, we are six sides, the perfect stone of many rainbow colors.
Image 4. Star of David
In image 4. Star of David (beloved) or the crystal stone (blessing returns back to the crystalline form). Here the sun dances (I am a Sun Dance) as our four rainbow colors of man that illuminates east, south, west and north and two winds tunnels that blow through us all or our two polar axis. The reflections of our inner world of darkness, the unseen and songs of the universe bring to us eternal knowledge. But who is right and who is wrong, well it's a matter of listening. But who is pure and who is impure, well this is a matter of the law. Love states, we cleanse our selves, in order we do not harm others. We do not bring our impure thoughts or impure deeds to others, but instead share our feelings and bow to the grace of God's love, through the cleansing and blessing process.
Image 5. Story of Grandmother Comfort in the Wind, a gray child.
In image 5. The Story of Grandmother Comfort in the Wind our Sunshine Glory Shines, elder Lakota Daughter is told. Each of us have four directions and up and down, where the winds blow. This is an explanation of her four rainbow colors and how they align and move with the winds. You got to remember that all Grandmothers are not alike, with several other rainbow colors that could be different. In this case the gray child carries blue, magenta and gray (in this order around the four sides). With some stories you will find a cross breeze or a flowing through, but for this Grandmother there is a colliding of streams. She really is where the blue road and the red road cross (Image 6 folding space). Although she does not carry yellow or golden, she has many yellow and golden streams near her as relatives. The yellow stream bursts from the inside out, to express the spiritual flight of our dreams. She provides the waves that produce the yellow road, the to and fro between the red and blue roads. This is how she can be Grandmother Comfort in the Winds, because for her, the whole streaming flow from her, through her and around her. At times, it feels as if the whole world wants to feel pain and suffering. And at other times, the world is excited to be alive, the wonders and magic of our universe. But pushing towards unity is not an easy task for Grandmother's our gray children everywhere, especially if we Soul elders do not assist in the task of cleansing the kids of the rainbow clan, through blessings each day. When we are not responsible for our sanctuary space, then others suffer for your lack of spiritual cleansing and your pain and suffering must be felt by Grandmothers everywhere.
Image 6 Folding Space
As we cling to her coat tails, let us remember we are responsible for loving each other.We are responsible to cleanse our physical spaces with water. And we are responsible to cleanse our spiritual spaces with fire. Together we can clean up this world. Long lost, now we reclaim the unseen and impure world, woman has been blamed for, into heavenly reign. For it is woman now who demands the cleansing of the children. Just as Mother demands the husband and the kids to drop all their mud (physical) before entering the house. She will in the future demand the husband and the kids stop to drop all their impurities (spiritual) before entering the house. Right now in the world, we are rampant impure, sin and lack of attention to loving each other. Loving thy neighbor has become, close the door and don't let them inside, because of fear. But blessings with fire cleanses space and all fear is removed. And most importantly, the heavenly action of repeating, the echo of any voice who needs to speak. All have a story from their hearts, it's our responsibility to hear all stories, repeat the stories (validation) in order for us to demand the blessings to bring one into a state of heaven. From who is wrong or right (opposition) we move to "We are all right" from our point of view. We hear and echo (roll over) then demand the law of love, bring one back to the soul, where the heaven lies, in green pastures and blossoming fields of sanctuary around the world, when we learn how to unite each other through story telling.
Sharing is the way we learn in this world, regardless of how or what people say. Daze is a common feeling these days, because we are awakening to more than the physical world around us but awakening to the eternal soul within us, wanting to break free, but often lost in the abyss, suffering rather than experiencing joy in the world around us. Grandmothers guide all the children, through their understanding, their feeling of uniqueness for each child. And for holding us close to her embrace. Regardless of our abilities to receiving her love, her love continues to hold us to our dreamscape, the binding of the many crystalline stones, which go round and round in the sky. Heaven on Earth we realize!
your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child, wakan iyeshka, walking song or holy interpreter Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
The crystalline rainbow that lives in you, the heart of all that living is the part of the truth, it's only the reflection that gifts us the light, the wondrous journey we sing in strife, but we would have no other way, to enjoy all the beloved sacred displays! Welcome home Sacred Rainbow, where you shine all day, and nights bring the stars the emanate all grays (hear we go in Grandmother Space, weaving the Rainbow).
Brotherhood is being aware of rainbow colors everywhere. Learning about this, means you enter the hoops with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. However, you can help distribute the rainbow colors video about the colors of the rainbow clan.
We got your Sacred Song Blessings (heart song heard in the wind) done today. I can hear you in the wind, seeking and asking for more. I can only guide you to your knowledge you seek. It's pretty much up to you to take your place to distribute and share your stories with others.
Sacred Song Blessing for Brent M. Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman and Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star!
When we all share our stories. And we all repeat the stories with each other, then true brotherhood will commence. Right now, we don't hear others or validate them, because the blue road of heaven is misunderstood. Your sacred song blessing gives tribute to those who just need to greet the heart as we sail by, not forgetting we are true relatives of the heavenly world we share.
Your Four Rainbow Colors are Yellow, White (Star),Blue, Gray.
Yellow Child: You are the dreamer, not the dream (of brotherhood or golden), but the one who walks towards the heart of others. We say, taking the uncomfortable step towards. Yellow child, you are the dreaming, the place of what will happen, because you are always there first. You are inside the dream others are seeking to find.
White (Star): White (overlay) is Grandfather, the star of heaven, often referred to as the Great Bear in the Sky. Grandfather light offers all the streaming of rainbow colors, white light, the emerging. White is not one color, but the combination of all colors. White flies to heaven and back to earth with each breath. They fly the circle continually learning about the world below, bowing down or returning home.
Blue: Blue (overlay) is the manifestation of light or seen (rainbow colors and sound), where the heart stands. From the depths of the winds, lie the heart of mankind. Blessings and divination requited love finds separation, yet flies with unity when sailing on the blue road of heavenly song. This color is dark and must bless constantly, each hour to purify with fire the mire of the world from entering him. The leaf on the tree of life represents the relative who moves to and fro from relative to relative on many shores.
note: White (heavenly) follows Blue (earthly). Blue (earthly) follows White (heavenly). This means you follow yourself. Not many persons carry colors that do this, but a few of us do like you. It's like you got the story of heaven and the story of earth wrapped up in your dreams.
Gray: Gray (overlay) is the manifestation of dark or unseen (rainbow colors and sound), where the circle of glory unites all together as one. This is Grandmother the grayness of our dreams. We unfold and fold apart, together again, moving constantly, spinning to bring a reality. Grandmother gray constantly pulls us along the wagon to weave our destinies together like the Spider.
Brent means hill or mount. Also referring to criminals burned or branded as punishment on a hill of course. However this means the purification of one who breaks the law. The heavenly reign have one law and it's LOVE. When one breaks the law, forcing into sacred space without purification (fire), there is a penalty even death. However this is only done for love's sake, to bring the lost soul who is afraid, home to be redelivered once more free on the journey of the great stream. Love is the law upon the red road, the eternal road of streaming forever and ever, that gifts rebirth and renewal to all the days.
Difficulties are lessons on the red road, but as we roll them over into treasures, we learn love leads the way, eh. Negative energy, new world order and spiritual abilities are all part of understanding the world around us. People don't understand the value in cleansing their sacred space, unseen or heavenly space around us, often called darkness. But this very space is and must be cleansed by fire. We cleanse our hands each day with water over and over again, to keep from spreading contamination. Well it's the same for the energy space around us. If we push, it will push back. But if we repeat or one bows (talker) and the other bows (receiver, repeater), then a circle is formed and healing begins. But instead of repeating someone's anger, we tend to become them and their anger. Now this is okay for those who are supposed to do this (crowned) with their rainbow colors, but not sow good with those who are not supposed to do this or are older in one way or another.
If we push, it will push back. But if we repeat or one bows (talker) and the other bows (receiver, repeater), then a circle is formed and healing begins.
We start in heaven, the blue road, where love blossoms first not secondly. Who is right or wrong intellectually or through their rainbow color knowing, is secondary on the red road. For the law is love. To unite the blue road your soul with the red road your flesh one must use LOVE. Love binds us together. Bow with the rainbow. Firstly, who blessed and purified their sacred space? This is the law of love, thus helping us heal and bind our hearts together, LOVE is KNOWN.
Okay repeating myself in other words.
Water cleanses our physical world, the red road, earthly. We demand others wash their hands to refrain from contamination. It's the law.
Fire cleanses our spiritual world, the blue road, heavenly. We demand others wash their hands to refrain from contamination. It's the law.
This is what we are learning right now. We are awakening to the unseen world of magic and dreams. But to unfold them into reality, we must have faith in the Law, cleansing one's space, both physically on the red road and spiritually on the blue road. We are united now, heaven and earth. What was once unseen, now becomes seen. Who does not cleanse will simply die, just like those who do not cleanse with water die from bacteria and contamination. Thus the spirit just dies, without fire blessings. I have sent to you the place to download, "Holy Week Day". I suggest you start to learn how to cleanse your daily life to make you and others happier in the world.
Rainbow Colors teach us, that we are all part of each other. And that we must travel through each other. For over the rainbow is through each other. And we are the children and the age of the third rolling hill in time, the yellow hill to make heaven and earth part of our reality and our dreaming. The video we are creating for the rainbow clan, in all worldly things will help the world to understand we are Oneness and we need each other, to know brotherhood.
Question: You asked, "White buffalo calf woman, I would like to know more of what your understanding about indigo children is and not what the mainstream idea of it is.
Indigo is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body, multi-colored each of us have. We can all fly, when we dream. The Indigo person is often a prophet and great teacher who lives with visions and conflict. Most of us do not live our lives like this. Indigo represents our Soul body. An Indigo child is a Great Warrior and brings to us the inner reflection towards truth! They inspire you to enter your Vision Quest. Indigo (perfect soul body)
Crystal is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the Physical Body, a powerful and loving being who gifts, the actions of your dream. The Crystal person is reader of the book of life, the sacred four directions, who speaks directly with God and interprets the absolute truth. Crystal represents our Physical body. Most of us do no live our lives like this. Crystal represents our Physical body. A Crystal Person is a Great Warrior and brings peace through the lesson. They inspire you to become your dream of love and peace, what we often call happiness! Crystal (perfect physical body)
The Rainbow Clan are the Sacred Multi-Colored Auras of the Blue in You and Me, our Relation or family. Each of us carry Four Sacred Directions. The Circle of Colors, the Rainbow reflects off the Ocean Blue. Born from these lights We are Perfect Children Within. Each of us carry a Dream seeking Love. The Path we follow are the Four Sacred Directions Written in our Garment of Lights. We belong to the Rainbow Clan. These unseen colors guide us towards our mission. This is written in your Sacred Garment of Lights, the Holy Temple, where Truth is written in the Book of Life! Only a Crystal child can read this Book of Life with Absolute Truth. In fact everyone is learning to read the book of life, but it's soooo confusing and this is why Crystal children are here, to interpret the book of life for you the Rainbow Children of the World.
One more note, indigo represents the soul, the perfect soul warrior. Now we don't all carry indigo color, however in evolutionary terms, we are all experiencing the movement towards becoming the perfect soul warrior. This awakening has brought you to my door. As others will come to you, who has knocked on the door, to show them the way in. Into heaven the door opens, when love is used and understood, all travelers are welcome home into our hearts.
Question: Like you mentioned there are a lot of people making money off it and not being really genuine."
Answer: Regarding the this issue. This weighs heavy on my heart. Those talking or writing about crystal indigo children are all money motivated. Just yesterday, Jessica Schab threatened me for slander liable (for me saying what is truth, she is not a crystal child, no way, we don't go on and on about all our heartbreaks, my goodness sow magenta child).
This is what I said to an organization who left a comment on the crystal indigo blog page. I cc a copy to Jessica Schab (Mystic),
"We (Jessica Schab and White Buffalo Calf Woman) have talked by telephone and she understands she is a magenta child and not a crystal child. She was confused and did not understand the differences as most people don't about rainbow colors. This is White Buffalo Calf Woman and I bring all the rainbow colors to the people. She is giving false information about rainbow colors. She does not know the truth, a magenta person can never know the truth. There is too much streaming. This job of speaking TRUTH belong to true crystal children, all around us everywhere. But I am here to speak for them, not Jessica. She is learning as the rest of the world is awakening. Be really clear, she has no information regarding crystal or indigo children. I am the world authority, the elder crystal child. Only I can tell you who another crystal child is, then that child (after knowing parameters) can tell another crystal child. That's the only way it's done, forever and ever. Jessica is a Magenta child. She is not a crystal child. I have gifted this knowledge to her and to you now."
She become outraged and this was her response (part of),
"I find this very rude of you I never said anything like this you are misquoting me the peoples response to me and my work and what they feel in their hearts speaks for itself. My work speaks to that part of the person that knows deep down their core what is true. This why people are so inspired and moved by my work. When you can do this then your ready. "
This is what I said (part of the conversation),
"Aho Jessica, It is very rude my beloved to say you are a crystal child and you are a magenta child. You did not know this until you talked with me. You have no authority to say you are a crystal child.
I am not misquoting you in any way. We talked on the phone, the truth will be true. You speak from your core, the core of a magenta person. I did not speak about your knowledge regarding anything you talk about with the exception of crystal children or the rainbow clan. Talk away this is good. But you will not be telling others that you are a crystal child or promoting this at truth, when it's not true at all. You simply don't know what you are talking about my love."
She continues to threaten me with a slander liable (legal claim) and using slander against me to control and to make me shake in my boots. In other words she uses emotional violence to motivate or force me to her thinking and to her point of view, instead of asking questions or trying to understand someone who brings good news to her. She doesn't understand her own Greatness, she must be someone else or over there the grass is greener, instead of here, where we stand. You see only true warriors know this path of true love, which she wants to be, just lacks the tools.
This is what she (Jessica Schab or Mystic) said,
"What about what you said to me on the phone you admitted that you only want money and fame and to put others down. So you can feel better about yourself everyone believing what you believe rather then helping others find their own truth you shared this with me on the phone should (you) make it public? Do you like when people put words in your mouth and make it public?"
This is what I did, "I emailed that message back and wrote "evidence" on the message body. You see, she wants money and fame, to put others down. She is flat out lying (hiding) or speaking untruth. This is evident in the way she talked to me. All so she can feel better about herself (she can't prove anything she says), hoping everyone will believe her rather than me helping others find their own truth. She threatens that we shared this, when we never did, all to slander me, in the face of the truth be known, SHE IS NOT A CRYSTAL PERSON, SHE IS A FRAUD saying she is a crystal child. She continues to say, "Do you like when people put words in your mouth and make it public?", to threaten me, with slander because she thinks I am slandering her, for saying she is NOT a CRYSTAL PERSON. Which by the way is absolute truth.
It's typical for a crystal child, to be blamed for the lesson. And it's typical for a magenta child to use words to turn things around (deception) the best of all the children (in other words a true heart of love would use words to help the world, but those who do not bow to love, use words to harm the world). The magenta child are like the attorney at law for God or the red robe. But a crystal child can twin anyone (celestial law), can become them better than they can. Love is the only path towards a crystal child. She has no chance against me, unless love is used. You can never win with force, especially with a crystal child, instead you will get more lessons. Only true love will help you resolve a lesson, the stepping stone, the crystal child. Crystal children are the lesson. (When love is used, the crystal child delivers treasures, like I am gifting to you my yellow child.) Magenta children receive the lesson. She gets constant lessons and rants and raves about it and then goes around saying she is a Crystal child, huh, this is straight out LIES and FALSITIES.
All, with the exception of Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, who talk about rainbow colors are motivated by money, by sales or talk shows commission or whatever means of writing and sharing for the almighty buck and not one cent goes to helping the children of the rainbow.
WE are are rare Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. We are the gifts from God for the Rainbow Clan. No one in our entire organization has a salary. We are 100% free and are part of the Great Give-A-Way for many years now. We started in 2004 with Active-Indigos. We are not a religious business either (this is big business too), however we are an ordained religious non-profit serving Angel Services Around the World. We are gifts from the heart and labor of love. We do not do paperwork shuffle to oblige anyone. We are walking and talking for God's Oneness, for the rainbow children. People or organizations gift to us or they don't. No contracts. These children (called indigo-crystal children) need representation from the true blue of the heavenly warriors who are willing to stand up to emotional and physical violence, avoidance (invalidation) and down right abuse of the child who need "Rights". We are here to help the children of the new age, who need real love from the heart. There is only one law and it's LOVE. Heaven reigns, Great Mother is on the RUN.
My final words for her were:
"Jessica, Give it up (your hatred and control), take me to court with legal slander, see if you can. See who speaks truth for it will be I, White Buffalo Calf Woman. I will speak the truth about any subject I want including your bias to untruths. I have all the legal rights you lack, both heavenly and earthly. I can prove my words, you can't. Evidence lies within the crystal child. Good luck of course this means you think you have the facts straight. White Buffalo Calf Woman, no fear lives here hear!"
She did not write back. This is where she (Jessica Schab or Mystic) stopped with her magenta impure ranting, because I simply put her in her place, exactly what she was trying to do to me (twinning her back like only a crystal child can). I even told her to go bless herself and then write back, but obviously she didn't read that part. Like many magenta persons, they often think they are crystal persons. They want to be like their big brother, the eldest sun, the crystal child. Magenta is the second sun in the house of God. You wouldn't believe how many magenta women think and try to be me, White Buffalo Calf Woman. Magenta child getting a dream or vision and of course it's obscure and they are off running thinking they got it all, knowing it all, when they have nothing but a front and back cover to a book lacking all information that is correct or viable within.
But like the "authorities of the world" think, gifts only part of the whole answer (not truth or oneness). When people start to say things, and act like they are the authority about something, when they don't know anything about it, is very much like a Magenta child. For instance, Mark is a magenta child. He would talk with Holiness David a lavender child. Mark would go on and on about how he knew all the information about some electronic object. And Holiness David (lavender child) just validated (nods the head) or repeats the story to him (law of love, echo), simply because the magenta person won't let you get a word in, edge wise. Now Holiness David is an electrical mechanical engineer, world wide educator training silcon valley engineers (retired working for us now). He knows that what Mark the magenta person is saying is all wrong. But the magenta persons says it so well, most people just believe them. This is the way they are. They act like they know things, but the truth is, they don't know anything about the contents of the book or subject matter. You see, magenta child is the great librarian, one who reads the book of life "cover" or "table of contents" (maybe) or "the numeric titles" (dewy decimal system), just enough to to put it on the shelf in the proper order (to help people go the right way, no choice for them). They think they read the whole book and know all the information. But it's the crystal child who reads the whole book, absolutely not the magenta child.
Hey Doreen Virtue is a magenta person, she too is making tons of money off the kids, such an abuse to the legacy our children leave us. She too only knows the tip of the iceberg or table of contents. She acts like a world authority and makes sooooooooo much money and pulls the wool over everyone's eyes, because the world is impure too. She is unreachable by phone or email, even by postal mail. All her doors are locked tight. She doesn't want to give any money away or help anyone but herself and her pocket book. At least Jessica will take the time to write to people, but not always with love as you can see (or her kind of love, which many people act like; their kind of love, not real love. They really don't know how to be the law of heaven. The time is coming to awaken to the soul and heavenly bound). We align with those who are pure or we align with the impure as we are. This is why you need to purify with fire often throughout the day, to align with true blue, heavenly hues (pure hearts who bow and purify). The choice is to bind with those who purify with fire, to keep sacred space safe, literally. At some point is will be matter of life or death, when heaven starts to cleanse the world.
She the magenta child reads the table of contents and thinks she knows the whole book, with lots of false data, because they have to make it up as they go along. The best way to say for them is this, they are the keepers of small things. This means they care for the important things in life, where the toothbrush is. Is there enough food for the birds today. They are the grounds keeper. They do not read the book of life correctly. Other magenta persons say, "You have to put your hands up, because there is too much light or too much wind". Cup of God, a magenta child says, "it feels like a water fall, flowing down all around me". The magenta child often hears or senses the spirit world but gets it all muffled up because there simply too many of them/us. They cannot read the truth, with overlays of colors streaming like a water fall, blinding them like inside a storm.
The first seven colors (red through violet/purple), are in the darkness not in the light, meaning it's very important to cleanse the darkness of your light (darker rainbow colors) every hour by saying, "I bless the sacred nine directions". The fact you came to my door, means you are willing to knock and ask. And as a yellow child, you took the uncomfortable step to know the truth about who you are.
Question: Like you mentioned there are a lot of people making money off it and not being really genuine."
Answer: Above I have expressed the notion (point of view) of one of the rainbow colors Magenta and as well as the Crystal child. There is no one in the entire world who can gift these answers except me right now, White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder crystal child. (Any crystal child can verify this information or any information I say.) Because apparently the Oneness of God wanted it this way. And I give it away freely to those who ask. Rather than come to me to get facts (so called authority), they want to make money off the children (pretending to be the authority). Sow I appreciate you coming to ask for the truth of your rainbow colors. Who will really join me in protecting all our children around the world? For this will be a time of true brotherhood...during the next phase of evolution, the third yellow rolling hill in time, heaven and earth. When we can learn and travel through each other (rainbow colors), using true love. As you said, genuine.
Question: You asked, "I am also a bit unclear about my life purpose but I do have a feeling it involved cleaning up the mess in our planet."
Answer: We are all part of the Great Stream, the crystalline stone river. Each of us have a great name. Mine is White Buffalo Calf Woman (discipline female soul blue road) your Twin Deer Mother (discipline male flesh red road). White Buffalo Calf Woman is my mission upon this world. Twin Deer Mother are my tools of light or rainbow colors, used to accomplish my mission. All beings have a GREAT NAME. I gift great names to hoop 2 members only. Show respect to self and others around you, then gift part of self, to get down the hoops. All start in hoop 4, the blue road. Learning to share and receive. However you can read this article that will help you to know more about the GREAT NAME. All beings, each spirit unseen, each rock, each plant and all the animals seen have a GREAT NAME. It's about time for us to unleash our GREAT NAME. This is why we don't want to take other person's name, because we each have our own GREAT NAME.
Answer: We verify our life's purpose, when we validate each other. For instance when someone shares a dream, it's part of the whole puzzle. But they needed to hear your dream. And you needed to hear their dream to understand. And often we get validation about what we feel later through either an image or words spoken. The greatest problem is the fact that we don't cultivate GREATNESS in the world. But this is awakening to change.And this is why you are here, to learn about your GREATNESS. A yellow child dreams of tomorrow like it was today. I would not call you a prophet, like an indigo child, but one who knows what dream will be here tomorrow. Sharing with others, that change is on the way. Dreaming is what a child does, before one takes a breath. When we breath, we take our souls dream, out into the world, to make it real. This is why the yellow child takes the uncomfortable step, to show us that dreams can come true. To show us, we too can knock and receive God's treasures. Let us bow to the GREATNESS of the GOLD buried beneath the earth, by following the rainbow.
Gifting a prayer gets you into the hoops. For a yellow child, I think the dream will carry you through, but can you trust your dreaming? Trusting self is what souls are learning these days. I know, I feel, I sense the world around me, it's electrifying. We await your prayer, to learn more about rainbow colors in the air, the fumble and stumble of the rainbow clan, who need a helping hand.
You are more than on the mend my beloved brother. You have come home. Welcome into our hearts!
your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child, wakan iyeshka, walking song or holy interpreter
ps. Brother Brent, Stepped away, and was wondering why I speak sow much about magenta or even about crystal indigo children. It's you who knows the great stream of light, at the ends of the universe to the flight of the dreamer. White (star), actually has a short flight, closer than one thinks in space and into the stars. Inside the head lies the sphenoid bone which flexes with each breath and it's flight to heaven and back. And you know magenta child is the rainbow bridge, where all the fliers go. Long "I" or "Eye" is the sound for flight, where rainbow colors stream. You used "I" twenty times when writing to me, the flight of the butterfly (sphenoid bone looks and moves like the butterfly with each breath, the sound of "eye"). Golden child does it, flies across the universe physically. Yellow is it, the dreamer and the flight of the soul. Here inside Magenta's flowing, where the rainbow colors are streaming, there is the "sound", for the angels who sing, all of them. I have heard this too from magenta children, "the sound of angels". We are the angels as with those seen or unseen, the rainbow colors of the universe. No wonder Doreen Virtue wrote about angels. But like magenta children, much too much is singing in there to ever get it clearly or to be virtuous, without singing (blue road, along with fire purification) and dancing (red road, along with water purification) for an hour a day to purify this great flowing. Surely this is why they wail and wail over spilled milk, all the impure winds that flow over them. And the world is not genuine, but impure because of lack of purification of the spirit. We cannot blame darkness or the unseen, the heavenly realm, the feminine principle and our souls. It is woman who takes her place now, to share heaven with all the men. WE must only purify to cleanse our sacred space around us, to bring heaven to earth. And as more and more do this, happiness will find our hearts.
However, Magenta are the great caretaker to the great crossing. All the rainbow colors and all the songs in the universe flow over them. Why would anyone want to be someone else, when we know the Greatness of our own tools of light! WE must seek to know SOUL SELF. You knew there was more than what was told. You recognize the true of the Great Stream of Rainbow Colors. You vision from the inside out, the dreamer and vision the great flight through Grandmother (gray), the web of the universe over the rainbow bridge (magenta) to share the greeting and wave. You know the wave (blue) is the friendly way to say hello (unity of relatives). It's the blue road of heaven, where the heart lives, the soul within where the winds blow. I'll bet many call you golden not understanding yellow and white creates a golden hue about you. You are not hear to bring brotherhood, but to bring the flight of brotherhood, dreaming. And we need all the help we can get.
Waiting for the Rainbow children to take their place in the universe. Now it's time to learn how to use our powers or tools of light and it's next for you. Trust your heart and trust self. Both our flesh and our soul carries information that is eternal. Access to this knowledge is a learning. In the magenta streaming lies the Great White Light. It is Grandfather (white) the Star of heaven who emerges out of this haven. The light bounces off you both ways from above (white) and below (blue). You create light with reflection (blue). You emerge out of light to become part of it's illumination and grin (white, baby smiles). Here at the edge of the universe (magenta black hole, rainbow bridge or deep crevice) lies the flight of breathing our inspiration and expiration (vehicle). It's like the swing around, when you hit a tether ball, moving around a pole or like the hawk who catches the breeze to increase speed with the turning or rotation at the end or even like someone running up a wall to turn over on their feet. This momentum and refraction (echo) allows you to roll over, if only the fields are cleanses or purified (treasures). Know your name (meanings), all names gifted and all names given support your GREAT NAME (mission). All things validate all other things. We must only listen and hear the great call of the universe! Love and Blessings, White Buffalo Calf Woman.
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 8:56 AM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother wrote:
Aho Brent, There is much to share with you. Right now, I am working on a video to explain the rainbow colors. But I must stick to the Story Teller (native american). This gets hard sometimes to explain things this way, but I am trying.
Thank you for sharing your heart. I would like to motivate you to download "Holy Week Day". It's two pages long and talks about daily spiritual activities that cleanse you and shift you to prepare you for the new age. The most important is the fire blessings 8 times a day. We wash our hands at least eight times a day. Now it's time to cleanse our spiritual hands, eight times a day.
We are part of the hoops with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. To enter the HOOPs with others who are seeking, you must offer a prayer for them. You can look at other examples here
Here is a song video collaboration with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy.
Here are a few songs. With your request of rainbow colors, you will receive your own sacred song blessings, a song like these, but from your heart. You have been added to a list to complete your song along with many other requests.
If you don't hear from me within a reasonable amount of time, please write back to me. But I hope you will want to bow with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy and offer a prayer to join us on the hoops.
There is much to be done. And very little time to shift. We must all take our places, each and everyone of us. I am worried for the world. Just like you did, slipping into the abyss, this is what the whole world is doing right now. Prayers and Fire Blessings, will guide them the right way to survive heaven's wrath. Those who become sacred may survive. Those who do not become sacred, will lose their minds. There is much to learn about your own heavenly skills and to make yourself powerful. It's time for greatness, for you and me.
your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child, wakan iyeshka, walking song or holy interpreter
[On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 1:49 AM, Brent M. (Response to Blog) wrote:
Thank you for your response Whitebuffalcalfwoman. I appreciate how thoughtful and insightful it was there is really a lot absorb and think about . That's cool that you say I am a yellow child. I've never heard of that before and I find it interesting. I look forward to your video explaining the rainbow colors more. The song dedication was neat too thank you. I am aware of Jessica Schab from before and something didn't feel right about her to me. I could never sit through her videos because something bothered me by them. Your explaination makes sense and I can see it now more clearly. She likes the attention of being called a crystal child but she doesn't have any real information to back it up. She's in for the fame. The way you talk is so different and I mean that respectfully. I take it that it is a Native American style that you present your writing. Its really neat and although it seems like a different language to me I still pretty much get the bulk of what your saying. Anyhow I am starting to ramble here a bit but thank you again and i look forward to more of your work. Cheers, - Brent
Note: part of a response from White Buffalo Calf Woman Sept 1, 2011Native Americans are Story Tellers. This is the way, I am sharing for now. The Great Story is the communication of the star language, the oldest language in the world. Sharing lives in our hearts and through imagery. This is known by all beings of mankind. Learning to trust this knowledge, well that's coming up next in our evolution period, the yellow rolling hill in time. Certainly a time for the yellow child to shine.]
On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 9:07 PM, Brent M wrote originally asked:
Hi Whitebuffalocalfwoman its really cool to be talking with you. I came across your websites and blogsites and I soon found myself resonating with them. I am really interested with the subject of indigo children and I believe I may be one of these children. I am curious about a person's rainbow colors that you mentioned on your website, I was wondering may you send me my rainbow colors please? My name is Brent and I am 29 if that may help in any way thank you. Your website mentioned that its ok to ask yourself questions and I have a few lol. First off I'll say I knew nothing about indigo children up until about 5 years ago in 2006. It was around this time that I be became hungry to know the truth about our world through researching things like the new world order and spiritual matters. During this time I became very sick and I realized it was because of the negative energies around in my home and town. I don't know how but I learned and discovered abilities within me on how I can clean the spiritual mess around me. To try and explain how I was able to do this is a bit difficult but I can basically do it though prayer and visualization. Music also helps too. I discovered how powerful these abilities were and if I use them for God's will its amazing. I am not proud to say this but this period of time was very difficult for me and I did slip into darkness during it. It was very scary for me but I believe I am on the mend now though. Whitebuffalocalfwoman I would to know more of what your understanding about indigo children is and not what the mainstream idea of it is. Like you mentioned there are a lot of people making money off it and not being really genuine. I am also a bit unclear about my life purpose but I do have a feeling it involved cleaning up the mess in our planet maybe you can help me a bit with this. Thank you Whitebuffalocalfwoman I look forward to your response. - Brent
Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star says, "I ya aya aye!" Meaning, "The flight of the great light, the star of heaven streams!"
The crystalline rainbow that lives in you, the heart of all that living is the part of the truth, it's only the reflection that gifts us the light, the wondrous journey we sing in strife, but we would have no other way, to enjoy all the beloved sacred displays! Welcome home Sacred Rainbow, where you shine all day, and nights bring the stars the emanate all grays (hear we go in Grandmother Space, weaving the Rainbow).
The crystalline rainbow that lives in you, the heart of all that living is the part of the truth, it's only the reflection that gifts us the light, the wondrous journey we sing in strife, but we would have no other way, to enjoy all the beloved sacred displays! Welcome home Sacred Rainbow, where you shine all day, and nights bring the stars the emanate all grays (hear we go in Grandmother Space, weaving the Rainbow trail).
Holiness David Running Eagle asks for me today to explain how to get to us and how to make your way to understanding the wisdom of all this stuff (spiritual evolution of the eternal soul) that is coming your way, but if we pull together, then we can make the way (yellow, the dream). To put the pieces together (we all need just pray), you need start reading all my stuff, the Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman (outer world) and your Twin Deer Mother (inner world), this will teach you in understanding of all that evolution brings!
Telephone Conference Access through Email to each Week for those with Questions, especially if you are not getting an email back in time for your vision quest. We welcome you to our telephone gathering: White Buffalo Calf Woman and Elders. A scheduled event. Free computer assistance also available. Pacific Standard Time PST. Your dial-in number: 1-218-895-3911 Your unique PIN: 62013#
To lead you to the Domains this day, go to today, and here you will be able to go, all through the domains and open doors. Please feel free to email me, whitebuffalocalfwoman and I will bless you, when you come, and read your Rainbow Colors and Your Song. And if you have an Ancient Image to be read, then all you have to do is ask. So many questions in the breeze, but only answers will come is you ask! We are part of the Great-Give-A-Way, so there is no cost for you today...just open your heart and gift a prayer, and you will be able to come so near. "I bless myself" and "I bless the world", this is the best, especially if fire is used, like incense or sage, because this will purify you, to receive my love!
A Joy Light From Within - Angel Services around the world!
To know love, you must care for the ones who do not have food nor safety. These are our kinsmen, and if we turn our backs from them, those who sleep another night alone, starving and cold, we do not know LOVE. We have millions of kids in the U. S. alone who are homeless. We have police brutality that prevents religious groups to feed the homeless. Now, God has a purpose for this Cleansing. Will we listen and plan? Or will we turn away from our family? Join us if you want to know the way home down the Red Road, the law of love. Click here and see what our Goals are! Thank you for coming into our lives and tell others about us! WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman.Net and His Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star,, await your returning Crystal Indigo Children of the Rainbow Clan and the Blue of you and me! All you have to do is dream a light from within, the vision quest stirs to speak to us again!.
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